Winner(s) and Sunday Stuff

Hi, all. First up, Happy Father’s Day. Today is a really rough day for me – I lost my dad a little over a year and a half ago, so forgive me for not doing a big celebration mention like I do for other holidays. I adore my husband and we’ll do a small family get together to celebrate here.

Onward … I owe you a winner on the Opal Carew giveaway as well as Friday’s Dare to Surrender eBook winner!

The winner of the Opal Carew ebook, TAKEN BY STORM IS: # 13 Linda Brennan!

Linda, please email me at carly phillips author at gmail dot com with your email/book format – kindle/nook etc. and I will forward your email to Opal to receive your book!

The winner of the e-ARC of DARE TO SURRENDER IS: Darlene Holley!

Darlene has been notified via email. Thanks to everyone who entered!


The TEESPRING CAMPAIGN for the DARE TO WANT MORE … BOOKS! Teeshirts met it’s goal and the tees will be printed. You can still order yourself a hoodie, tee shirt or tank – 3 more days! 

Treat the reader in your life right or just wear your love of books! Available for purchase – tee, tank or hoodie – for 4 more days! CLICK HERE TO ORDER! Or copy and paste this link:















HAPPY SUNDAY! :snoopydance:






10 thoughts on “Winner(s) and Sunday Stuff”

  1. my deepest condolenses i lost my father in 2010 he was very sick for months so i know how you feel. have a nice weekend and have a happy fathers day.

  2. doesn’t matter how long ago we lost our dad-it is always emotional. my thoughts are with you. and a day doesn’t go by that i don’t think of my dad and what a kind, compassionate and gentle soul(known as the jolly green giant at 6’4″ he was a doctor)and he has been gone for 27 years but it doesn’t matter. we were blessed to have our dads as long as we did. they keep the smiles on our faces.

  3. Carly – I know how you feel. Lost my Dad 12/1/12 so this is our second year without him to celebrate. Most of the family will still get together at my brother’s house. I changed my fb picture to include my husband and I with Dad at his 90th birthday party. He died a little over a year later at 91 and is missed every day by us all. May you find peace today in your memories. Sending hugs.

    Congrats to the winners!

  4. :tears: I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad 6 years ago, I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone. It still seems like yesterday. I miss my Dad all the time.

  5. So sorry for your loss:( I lost my Dad a few years ago and I really miss him and it is sill hard. One we will meet again.

    Thank You for the amazing giveaways….Have an awesome day!! Hugs to you.

  6. Carly, first, I know you were especially close to your dad, too, and know that you remembering him — after he is gone — is such an honor to him and his memory. Besides, he’s probably watching and saying, “That’s my girl!” So remember him always.

    Am SO happy the teeshirts were printed! I can’t wait for mine to arrive. Happy Sunday!

  7. I lost my dad 39 yrs. ago as of 6/5/2014 and I still miss him! My sweet father-in-law passed away last year as your dear dad did. It’s hard regardless if it’s been a nanosecond or in my case many yrs.

    Our sons wanted to know if they should do anything for their dad this year and his wish was “Stay home with your own families and enjoy the heck out of the while your kids are young”. The boys have called, they’ve had some great laughs and all in all, so far it’s been what every day is to us, BLESSED!

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