So … Bailey picked her winners of the DARE TO LOVE Audio Contest. They receive free Audible codes! She chose two winners:
1. # 13 – Debra (Knotts)
2. # 10 – Chris Roberts
Bailey really likes to pick her winners! CONGRATULATIONS. Email Carly –
carly phillips author @ g mail . com (no spaces) and she’ll send you back your free code!
And the winner of Friday’s Last DARE TO DESIRE e-ARC contest is –
# 359 – SecretNinja27
CONGRATULATIONS. Email Carly – carly phillips author @ g mail . com (no spaces) and tell me what format you would like your ebook in! Kindle/Nook etc.
Congrats Winners. Enjoy!!!
congrats to all of the winners
Congratulations to the winners, and Bailey for picking them.