What’s Your Favorite Day of the Week & Why?

Inquiring minds want to know: what’s your favorite day of the week and why? Mine’s Monday – I think it stems from the years of having the kids go back to school on Mondays. Even though I’m dragging, I like the start of a fresh week!  But by Tuesday I’m ready for Friday LOL! :snoopydance:


12 thoughts on “What’s Your Favorite Day of the Week & Why?”

  1. Saturday since after errands are done and I’ve straightened up the house the day is usually mine – whether to curl up with a good book and read, see family or friends, go out to dinner, etc. I can finally relax!

    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Saturday! I can sleep in (sometimes), catch up on my DVR shows, run errands, spend it with family and friends.

    Happy Turkey Day Carly!! :gobble:

  3. I’m retired so everyday is good for me. I do like Mondays though, my youngest daughter moved back home to help me financially. Monday’s see goes back to work. Peace and wuiet

  4. I don’t work, so everyday is good for me. When I did work I would have to say Friday’s, because I had the weekends off 😀

    Want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving :happythanksgiving2: :turkey:

  5. Mine is Wednesday! Because every Wednesday is sleepover night for my granddaughter (she’s 3) and we usually devote that whole time to doing something special with her. Crafts…movies…baking.. I just love it!

  6. :turkey: Saturday is my favorite. I can either sleep in or run errands and nap a little. So it’s win win for me.

  7. Saturday has always been my favorite because there was no school/work & time with my kids. Otherwise I would say Wednesday because half the week was over or Friday because it was the end of the work week. But now that I’m retired, I can say everyday!! :snoopydance:

  8. Mine would be Monday because I know I have four days before I go back to being caregiver for my mom who is totally demanding. This year I’m busy making jams for Christmas for my GRANDS. Strawberry Banana is a favorite of the GRANDS. Their parents make more money than me so I try to do something their working parents don’t have the time/interest in doing. Hope everyone has a terrific, filling Thanksgiving and shares the leftovers!

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