What are you Reading?

I’m reading my good #Ink_Heart pal Melanie Shawn’s MY EVERYTHING. I love her sweet stories! And the cool thing is it’s on sale for .99 this weekend with our Memorial Day #Ink_Heart Sale! Miss yesterday’s list of books on sale? Click HERE! WHAT ARE YOU READING this holiday weekend?

31 thoughts on “What are you Reading?”

  1. I’m reading Confessions of a Litigation God by Sawyer Bennett and then also re-reading Remember When by Judith McNaught.

  2. I’m reading Julia London’s Return to Homecoming Ranch and listening to Kelley Armstrong’s Made to Be Broken.

  3. I’m reading No Sunshine When She’s Gone. I leave Monday for an 11 day vacation with my hubby – Alaskan cruise & time at Denali. So I’ve loaded up my kindle & am ready to read!! :snoopydance:

  4. I am reading Miss Darcy Falls in Love by Sharon Lathan. I got the book free from a coworker for World Book Night. I found out it is a non profit organization that gives away a book free to people to get into reading.

    • Stacy Durham – Oh, Mal, I love love love these pictures!! Too sweet…that bottom lip would get me every time:) Thanks for sharing your little muffin with all of us and please give him a happy birthday squeeze from the Durham’s:) Bless you guys!

    • 'Bacana' se for verdade o que o garoto diz!Existe por de trás desta afirmação um caráter psicológico…."me deixem ser feliz fazendo o que gosto, quero ser eu e não meu tio"…O cara tem dinheiro, tem nome e quer tentar correr de carro!Com atual segurança dos 'bolidos' de hoje, o neguinho tem que fazer mágica pra comprar passaporte prá o além…Heróis foram os que sentaram em cadeiras elétricas até o ínicio da década de 90!Infelizmente tudo esta mais pasteurizado!!!Cest la vie…

  5. I’m reading Shield of Winter by Nalini Singh 😀 :X Hardcover and I prefer to read in e – but I couldn’t resist this one – it’s the only format I could get my hands on! 😀

  6. I’ve been reading my way through the Harequin KISS “The Wedding Season” continuity. I just started the 4th and last book today, LAST GROOM STANDING by Kinberly Lang.

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