Uh-Oh & Prom Post

10412267_10152174983435959_1762125024_oYesterday I asked you what you all do, and I told you about my day. Umm … I left off the dogs and they are not happy with me. I spend time with my dogs, too. Lots and lots of time. I talk to them. I feed them twice a day. Make sure they have water. Get up from being really comfortable when they want to go outside. In short, I’m at their beck and call.  They have my sincerest apologies!

Today is PROM for my youngest. Now prom includes all sorts of female insanity – there’s the obvious, mani, pedi, hair and makeup. And the not so obvious. Spray tan, eyebrow threading and more. I just hope I remember to pick up the boutonniere.

For me, back in the day, my friends had their hair done professionally. I always liked how I did my curly hair myself better. Still do. I also did my own makeup – same reason. So this is all insanity but I have to admit I enjoy the whole thing with my girls! Was prom as insane when you went? 

26 thoughts on “Uh-Oh & Prom Post”

    • In the area where Carly and I live, proms on weekdays are quite common. There are many reasons for it, but 2 of the top reasons are:
      Hotels/catering halls are booked up on the weekends for weddings, and it would be cost prohibitive to have it on a weekend. Also, proms are often held on weekdays to make certain that students of all faiths can atttend. In the Jewish faith the Sabbath is from Sunday Friday to Sundown SAturday, and prom would exclude those who are religious.
      I know in some states, prom is just the dance part- the kids get decked out, eat dinner at a fancy restaurant, and then go to the prom for dancing. Here, our proms are like weddings- they include dinner, etc.

      • Our proms are on Saturday include everything yours does plus all night parties and plans for Sunday. Yours is a better idea.

  1. The dog thing I know after returning from RT “:Maggie” would not let me move without her, although she was at Gram’s and being very spoiled 🙂 Prom was easy for me…my hair was at my waist pulled some back and did long curls and the rest was long 🙂 No pedis, eyebrow waxing hardly any make up..but Prom is so much more now! Hope your daughter has a day full of memories !!!

  2. I never went to prom, back in the day, and I do mean BACK, girls would never go to prom by themselves. When my girls went it was a 3 ring circus. My oldest girls second prom I volunteered to work, so my hubby could enjoy the experience, I wasn’t sure he would ever talk to me again, lol. 😀

  3. I am about the same age as you, and no, our Proms did not involve quite as much as today’s proms. We did not go in limos, but rather in our own cars. But as a Jersey girl, one thing has not changed…we did, and still do, go “down the shore” after prom. I know it cost me a fortune for my kids proms, but I did make them pay for their hotel stay down the shore by themselves.

  4. I never went to my prom but my son went to his – against his will. Very easy – order his tux, get flowers for his date, the end!

  5. I remember my prom as the dress, hair done professionally, and shoes. We had dinner where ever our prom was being held and always on a Friday night. My daughter is in 7th grade and the bignthung they have is a semi-formal. Dress, shoes, hair done. I didngrt her dress on sale and my sister will do her hair. I’m not ready for all this yet!!

  6. In my day girls didn’t spend all this money to get primped up. We did our own hair and makeup. I even did my own hair for my wedding because I like the way I style it better than my hairdresser.

    Now when my daughter went to prom 3 years ago it was all out. Paid for dress (big poofy and yellow—think Belle from Beauty and the Beast); hair styling; shoes and her boyfriend’s boutonniere. She had my mom do her nails. Her and her friends all chipped in together and got a Party Bus that took 18 of them all around.

    Here, prom is always on a Saturday. It used to be the first weekend in May but they got smarter and moved it to Memorial weekend where the weather tends to be warmer.

    Second daughter didn’t want to go to prom so her and one of her friends went to Cedar Point Amusement Park for two days instead.

  7. I had my hair done for prom both years, but always did my own makeup…if I wore any. I did my own hair for college formals and liked it much better. Although I’ve never been able to get my hair to be completely straight on my own.

  8. I think proms are insanely crazy these days (I did my own hair, makeup, etc) and that doesn’t include the ‘prom-posals’ that guys have to do, now! I’m grateful I have boys, but at the same time, they will have to do the ‘prom-posal’, pay for all of the stuff (which is crazy). One of our sitters is a guy and he asked if he could have as many babysitting times as possible because he had to pay for all of the stuff (he has a girlfriend). Nutzoid. I think proms are really knocking people out of it (that can’t afford it). I hope that it gets less crazy over the next two years. lol.

    I like the idea of having the prom on a Thursday. Does anyone attend school on Thursday or is everyone getting ready? I”m assuming no one goes to school on Friday.

  9. Uh, no. Just the dress shopping. Back then, it was most likely a bridesmaid gown (hey, it was a LONG time ago!) but it was also not so crazy money-wise. Here’s to a great time for your daughter and crew!!

  10. I didn’t go to prom but I do like to get my hair blown out on occassion. I have thick long hair and when it is blown out it is straight and shiny and looks so nice. Normally I have wavy hair that I just let air dry. I hope your daughter has a lovely time at prom. 🙂 :cheese:

  11. No Prom for me.. Our Secondary Teacher were on Strike that year and we did not get one.. But we did end up going on an outing.. Was not fun for me, but hey it had a least a memory.. Now my oldest niece, I was their for the dress buying. Was not something I want to experience again. Hate to think of what the wedding dress is going to be like.. Have fun..

  12. I went to my husbands senior prom. My mom and I made my dress. I loved it.
    There were a few girls at my school that had their hair done, mani, pedi, etc.
    But the lions share of us did not.
    My senior prom, we were married. And we went. It was so much fun. :woot: No curfew. No accounting to anyone. :wiggleeyebrows: Loved that. haha
    And no, I was not pregnant. :angel:

  13. Prom was OK. My friend had a zillion dresses so I got to borrow one of hers. My hair was short (pixie) so not much going on there. He brought me a orchid and I remember being disappointed because it wasn’t like everyone else’s. Hey how was I to know that orchids were a big deal? I’m just glad I didn’t let on I was disappointed or I’d feel even more awful about how terrible I thought he kissed!!!

  14. I made my dresses, didn’t wear makeup, and certainly never paid someone to do my hair! The only thing rented where I lived were the guys tuxes if they chose to wear one! Otherwise it was a nice suit. Guess what – small town America in the mid-70’s.

  15. LOL – I talk to my dog Sophie and my cat Bailey. Bailey is the only one to answer me. Sophie has a doggie door so she goes in and out when she pleases.

    Good luck with the Prom stuff.

  16. No, as I didn’t go to the prom. And, even if I had, there was no mani/pedi or visiting a salon for my make up to be done. My parents didn’t have those kind of funds with 7 kids.

  17. a lot of girls had their hair done, but that was it in my area in the 80s. I tried to do my own.

  18. I went to my junior prom, my boyfriend’s senior prom, and my senior prom. I wore the same dress to my junior prom as my boyfriend’s senior prom. I had the tanning, nails, hair, and makeup done for all three. My mom went with me for the nails,hair and makeup (a friend did my makeup, but she worked at a makeup counter at our mall). My senior prom I did on crutches on my birthday. My mom didn’t want to deal with me on crutches anymore so my best friend took me to all my appointments. I was only allowed off my crutches for prom dinner and the prom itself. I can honestly say that each prom was very different. Completely different set ups for dinner, different locations for prom, and massively different themes. I look back on them and have great memories of time spent with my mom and best friend. Yes, it was a lot of work, but it was worth it in the end.

  19. Jr prom was insane only because I decided a week before to go with a friend (the BF had dumped me a few weeks earlier…thank God!!)
    I did get my hair done but that’s it.
    Sr prom I did my hair myself…should have sprung for it to be done again…lol!!

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