*** Thursday TEASE ***

CarlyPhillips_DaretoSeduce200Copyright © 2015 CP Publishing ~ DARE TO SEDUCE 
Sneak Peek

Max’s fists grew tighter. Part of him was disgusted by the other man’s mouth on hers, another knew a woman like Lucy deserved more than that pathetic excuse of a kiss. If Lucy belonged to him, he’d seal his lips over hers and thoroughly devour her luscious mouth. He’d make sure his tongue swiped through the deep recesses of her mouth so her taste lingered long after they were apart. And he’d damn well sure ensure that he left her lips puffy and well-kissed, so no other man would try to make a move on his female. 
Caveman mentality? Maybe. But those were the feelings Lucy Dare stirred inside him.
Instead of waiting until lover boy walked away, Max strode over and slid an arm around her waist. “Hey beautiful.”

* * * *
This is from the next DARE to LOVE series book, DARE TO SEDUCE … and you can preorder NOW!

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