Thanksgiving’s Coming …

So what is everyone doing for the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US? And to my Canadian and International friends, what’s your favorite holiday?

I’ve got family coming here … 10 people … I cook the turkey, I bring in the rest of the dishes. I just can’t cook well and I go for what’s easy and delicious!

22 thoughts on “Thanksgiving’s Coming …”

  1. I was going to my parents but the weather put a damper on those plans. I’m trying to put together a menu now then I will brave the grocery store. My husband does most of the cooking while I handle the baking.

    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. I usually house/dog sit for a friend, but this year I will be spending the whole time at home with my mom and step-dad. We have a snow storm coming into Maine late tonight. So it will be nice staying home with my family and of course there’s football.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving :thanksgiving: :turkey3:

  3. I think there will be nine here for the Thanksgiving meal. We fix the turkey, the mashed potatoes, and the sweet potato casserole. Our family and friends will bring the rest of the meal. I will probably bake bread today.

  4. We go to my sister’s house. It’s about 1 1/2 hours from here. She hosts her and her husband’s family along with neighbors and friends. Usually 25 – 30+ people. She does it all. I help when I get there and do most of the cleanup.
    This year her daughter won’t be with us. She took her first teaching job in HI – on Oahu – so won’t be coming home until Christmas.
    Here’s to safe travels for everyone. We’re having a snow mix and supposed to be getting 4 – 9 inches; she 6 -10 inches. Schools were all closed today due to the weather so we’ll be having Thanksgiving shows next week after all the hard work the students did practicing for their shows. Since I have a Pilot we should be able to get there.
    Happy Thanksgiving. :gobble:

  5. I volunteered to make dinner for some “displaced” friends, who are like family, but that was before I started a work gig outside the house. Normally I work from home. But the hubs is helping tremendously! We are having turkey and sides and some good old homemade desserts! But it is all us; except for one friend who is bringing rolls. Cross your fingers for us! :gobble:

  6. only two of us this year; and will be working 12:01 for black friday so early dinner will be chinese takeout so i can “sleep” 5-10. will get the pie, stuffing, potatoes, etc. done on thursday; will cook the turkey, etc on friday afternoon before “nap”!! happy thanksgiving to all. and safe travels to those traveling on the eastern coast.

  7. :turkey3: I will be going to my mom’s along with my 3 sisters & 2 brothers, 2 brother-in-laws, 10 nieces/nephews and their spouses, 3 great grand kids, and several family friends… yep, it’s gonna get :wave: at mom’s home. The great part is everyone is bring a dish or two, and clean up isn’t too bad.

    • You were very lucky to get off that easy. Drinking water does help flush impurities out of your system, but it doesn’t completely remove them or guarantee that you test clean. Really, the only way to guarantee that you’ll pass the test is to just not use. Then you don’t have to worry.

    • Whew! David, please end your day with a smile. The conversation today has been conducted in too loud a voice. In my book, Michael Sharp needs to take a time out. To accuse you of “shooting it from the truck” is a very cheap shot.

  8. To all my US friends a Very Happy Thanksgiving to you.. Lots of my friends will be traveling south of the border this weekend to partake of the Black Friday shopping…
    As to my fav holiday, it’s Christmas.. We have a couple of months between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I enjoy the holiday more.

  9. I’m cooking for 7. I’m trying to get as much done as possible before tomorrow and leaving for work at 4pm today.

  10. Gathering at one of my sister’s houses. We all bring something. I think we are at 23 for this year, ages 81 to almost 1! Eat, clean up, watch football and play games. Looking forward to giant Jenga!

  11. No turkey here. My son-in-law is grilling/baking every kind of pork/beef/lamb found on the farm. Since I live on the farm I enjoy Thanksgiving with my daughter’s family, her mother-in-law, and my mom to whom I am caregiver for a few days a week. We are having our dinner on Friday instead of Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  12. :gobble: I am just having my eldest son & his wife so we are having a small Thanksgiving. Turkey,sausage stuffing,mashed potato,gravy, mashed turnips, brussel sprouts, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.I am also just having 1 appetizer with drinks.Love to cook so yes this is small. Eliminated was 2 appetizers, 2 more veggies, Caesar Salad and 2 other pies.

  13. Kids are coming here as we are the second shift as the girls eat earlier with their husband/boyfriend. We do all the cooking otherwise. :gobble:

  14. Going to a friend’s house for dinner. I’ve made a cranberry cake and my first batch of rolls. (Need to make another batch this morning.)My Father-in-law is visiting as well,
    so I’ve been cooking all week. Happy Thanksgiving !!! :happythanksgiving2:

  15. I usually cook it all, but there have been years where I have gone to other’s homes or brought in the meal. It just depends on what is happening in my life at that time.

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