#TeaserTuesday Dirty Sexy Saint

#TeaserTuesday Dirty Sexy Saint

3DClay couldn’ t help the amused laughter that escaped him. Damn. So, the cupcake had a bit of a naughty streak hidden beneath that affluent facade. And he had to admit, he was intrigued and wondered what had brought her to a rougher side of the city, when someone like her should have been sipping Cosmopolitans with her socialite friends in a safe, trendy lounge off of Lakeshore Drive. Tara delivered the drink to the woman, then headed onto the main floor to clear off tables and make sure that the few customers still left didn’ t want a final drink before the place closed. Clay started putting bottles of alcohol away while covertly watching the blonde as she dipped her tongue into the froth of whipped cream before she wrapped her lips around the rim of the shot glass, tipped her head back, and deep-throated the concoction, just as the drink name implied.
@ CP Publishing 2016



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2 thoughts on “#TeaserTuesday Dirty Sexy Saint”

  1. I preordered this and loved the H*** out of it. I am eagerly waiting for Mason’s and Levi’s stories. They can’t come soon enough.

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