
#TeaserTuesday Dare to Surrender
Gabe would do just about anything to attain something he wanted, but he drew the line at poaching on another man’ s territory. Still, he had to admit she tested even his willpower, and he’ d had practice at being alone. He’ d married young and miscalculated badly. Afterwards, he’ d been certain that after Krissie’ s death, for which he felt responsible, the smart thing would be to keep a safe emotional distance from women. One look at Isabelle Masters and he’ d changed his mind. There was something about her that filled the emptiness inside him. To the point where just watching her was enough to calm his usually restless soul. Unfortunately, they didn’ t run into each other nearly often enough.
@ CP Publishing 2016
Dare to Surrender – #FREE
Amazon Universal Link – myBook.to/DTSurrenderAmazon

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