
OK so I am going to be so mean. I have two projects I can’t discuss – unrelated to DARE TO LOVE series – that will be out this summer. I love this indie business. I can write whatever I want and then go back to the series I want to focus on. It’s so awesome. I can’t wait to tell you what it is.

I’ll give you a little teaser of one of the projects:


“Do you cook?” she asked, glancing around.

“No. I pay someone to come in.” She laughed. “I can understand that. Takeout gets a little old.”

“What about you?”

“I’m an expert.” She looked away, always embarrassed at her ability because she’d learned back when her every thought revolved around food.

He turned her to face him, his hand beneath her chin. “If you lived in town, I’d have to have you show me your talents.” He’d obviously caught on to her discomfort but she was grateful he didn’t ask why.

She bat her eyelashes at him and said, if I lived here, I just might do that.” She was surprised to find she meant it.

“Did you eat dinner?” he asked.

“Yes, before the club.”

“Good. Then we’re both ready for dessert.” The word rolled off his tongue in a sexy rumble.

He headed to the refrigerator, turning to face her. “In my bedroom now. Down the hall, first door on the right. Clothes off and wait for me there.”

>> @CP Publishing 2014

And a DARE TO SURRENDER reminder – this book STANDS ALONE – you do NOT have to have read the other EDEN or DARE TO LOVE series books – although of course I hope you will read them!

spoileddts400fr Kindle – http://amzn.to/1kHRscw
iBooks – http://bit.ly/1o0hk6V
Print – amzn.to/1kjgKc5

20 thoughts on “Tease!”

  1. That is one hot tease. I absolutely love it! Now I have another book or two of yours to look forward to. Thanks for making my morning.

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