Stop the World …

I want to get off! :dog: That’ s exactly how I am feeling lately and I have had enough. Honestly. I have been too busy and too crazy in both my personal life and my career life. Between my mom’s double knee surgery that I had to miss because of RWA and all the professional meetings I had there, to the running around now that I’m back home – visiting her (NOT a chore!) and doing errands and things for next week’s conference (what WAS I thinking booking conferences so close together!? To missing out on time with local friends and rushing through decisions I should have thought through more thoroughly over time … lack of writing time … and I really do want to stop the world and take a breather. But since it doesn’t seem like that can happen any time soon, I need to find more time at home because I crave it. Like water and air, LOLOL. Does anyone understand what I mean? Did you ever feel so rushed, so overwhelmed, so … EVERYTHING you just want to STOP and just BE?

24 thoughts on “Stop the World …”

  1. I understand completely! I swear I’m going no where for weeks after next week. Should have checked my calendar more closely before scheduling 2 cons so close together. Plus have to head to hometown to empty out my grandmother’s house soon, as it looks like it is finally sold.

  2. Oh wow are you busy! I do feel like that too! As much I do like being busy and socializing; I crave time at home and silence. I need the peace and calmness for balance. :). Have a happy and blessed day!

  3. Right there with ya. I hope yours is just temporary because you suddenly have too much going on. You’re a couple years younger than me. And at our age, feeling overwhelmed and unable to focus becomes the norm. You aren’t actually losing your mind but sometimes think you are. So hang on. The ride gets bumpy.

  4. All the time but more so lately. I took a last minute trip with my parents on the 17th – driving from WV to Oklahoma and back. Since I got home on the 23rd, I have been running everyday wlth my adult children And grandchildren. Ready for a break! Hopefully after today I can slow down.

  5. I’ve felt that way before. It once got to the point where my plate was so full and people kept piling stuff on it that it overflowed and I had a mini breakdown. NEVER again…It was all volunteer work for people and people using me for my skills. I finally said, “ENOUGH” and stopped volunteering for people. Now if they can’t pay me for my time, they don’t get what they want. That may sound mean, but it got them to all back off so I could relax a little bit and not be working on their crap from the moment I wake up to the moment my head hits the pillow. So, yeah, I’ve been there…It wasn’t fun and the breakdown wasn’t pretty…I was a blubbering mess of nerves and all around crabbiness…lol

  6. You need to take care of yourself before you take care of the world. Take a day or two for yourself, and the rest of the world will still be there when you come back! Think of what advice you would give your daughters and then take that advise for yourself!

  7. Always and when not actually doing something to cross off the list I’m mentally adding to the list or deciding what needs to be done next. I don’t get much sleep – 4 to 6 hours max usually – so I do accomplish things in the middle of the night when rest of family is sleeping.
    I try to prioritize and hope for the best. The things that really must get done somehow do!
    Hope mom is okay and recovers quickly and pain free. Must have been hard for you not to be with her. Hopefully other family members were to ease your guilt.
    Hope you have a wonderful day accomplishing some of what you want to get done! Everyone needs some me time which is when I go for a manicure or mani/pedi.

  8. Carly I know those think it will never get back to sanity! I couldn’t pick up a book to read even. now you are too young and creative that retirement is not in your future. But let me tell you I’m still busy doing everything but it’s my joy. Reading books, having a blog and recently starting a Author/Book Promotions company with 2 other crazy reader friends. A different kind of crazy but I love it!

  9. Been there done that bit trust me when it stops you will be let down. Be thankful because everyone I know that has slowed down is not happy. Enjoy all the busy time that means you are healthy! :wave:

  10. I know your pain and wish there was a quick fix for it. Unfortunately we just have to keep pushing forward. :groan:

  11. Good morning Carly,

    Absolutely! I work at a University and think of my life in semesters with the Fall and Spring being the most life consuming. Generally vacation time is very limited as so much goes on from Monday – Thursday. When a holiday comes, I just want to be. And, I generally try to work it out that when campus closes down for Christmas break, to get some extra days in so that I’m off for 2 weeks. This gives me time to download my brain, regroup and get reading for the following Spring semester. After graduation in May, I try to take off a week before the Summer semester starts as I work with the Executive Education director and a majority of his work is done during the summer.

    So you have lots of company being overwhelmed with work, family and everyday stuff. Hang in there.


  12. Yep. The month of August will be that for me. Getting two kids back to college and then the youngest is starting her senior year of high school. Life will be crazy! :headbang:

  13. I know exactly what you are talking about. Sometimes I feel like my head is spinning and I want to run away.

  14. I thought you all should know I DID stop my world today. I stayed in bed until 10 AM, took a quick shower, didn’t wash hair, didn’t put on makeup, canceled trainer … and I’m writing. And breathing. Cooking dinner for the family … and I’m SO HAPPY!

  15. This happens to me too, and like you did, I just have to force myself to take time. I’m glad you managed to get downtime:)

  16. I hear you. I am really scared about August. I have to renew my driver’s license and I can’t figure out when to do it. augh. glad you cancelled your trainer and are just writing and cooking dinner.

  17. Yes, it’s a normal feeling but somehow, knowing others feel the same way doesn’t really help. You need to make time for YOU. It’s about the only way to start to feel better. Sorry!

  18. I know the feeling, too, but no so much since I retired. One day you will look back and wonder how you handled it all. Try to take a breather for yourself, even though that is easier said than done. :heart: :heart2:

  19. I have had busy times of the years at different times, but less since retiring. You sound stretched thin right now. Just remind yourself you will have more time for you soon. Take each activity separately & accomplish one thing at a time.

  20. We all need a break sometimes. In a traditional job, it’s a “mental health” day. So glad you took one today.

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