13 thoughts on “Still at Conference …”

  1. We went to Maine for a few days; an overnight near a casino by us; some day trips to parks, NYC for lunch with cousins; lots of happenings with family; cousins party from dad’s side of the family this weekend; the beach;

  2. Mini Cooper USA had a road rally from San Francisco to Boston called “Mini Takes the States.” My brother owns a Mini Cooper and is driving the whole distance. I joined him from Dallas to St. Louis and we had a hilarious time. The Mini-acs, as the Mini Cooper owners call themselves, are a passionate bunch. It was fun driving along the road with at least 200 other Mini Cooper owners! There were evening parties in each host city as well as a big send off the next morning.

  3. Working…. that being said, it’s been a good summer. I was given an armoire and I’m repainting it. Thus far I have put 2 coats of primer and 1 coat of black paint. I need 1 more coat of black paint and some new knobs(4) and it will be ready to move into my living room… :wave:

  4. Not doing anything anyone might call “exciting” this summer as we had to replace two cars and well, you know…. However, a friend will be visiting for a few days and that will be fun! And getting used to a new car will be…interesting…. 😀 It’s a hybrid and has more manuals than I ever imagined!

  5. Took a week and a half road trip with another family-Ft. Worth to Colorado to Yellowstone to Mt.Rushmore/Sturgis and home. Lots of fun, but very tiring. Now gearing up for back to school and birthdays.

  6. I live in Maine and it’s so beautiful here in the summer that I don’t go anywhere. If I was going to go somewhere it would be in the Winter months, when it to damn cold :brrr: :snow:

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