Signed Book Giveaway!


The winner of Carly’s signed DARE TO LOVE and Katy’s signed BREAKING UP WITH BARRETT is:

Michelle Kappesser


Please email me at:

carly phillips books @ gmail . com (no spaces) with you mailing address to claim your prize!

Thanks to everyone who entered. To keep up with me on a more regular basis, if you’re on Facebook:

Hang out at Carly’s Corner! (Hot guys & giveaways!)

Yesterday I was at Bookseller’s Expo of  America signing ARC’s of DARE TO LOVE with Spencer Hill Press, who will be publishing the DARE TO LOVE and NY DARE series for BOOKSTORE SALES starting January 2017! 

TO CELEBRATE I’m giving away two signed books & a Carly swag pack to ONE lucky WINNER!


Comment Below – tell me HOW you like to read your books: eBook and what device, paper, library … just curious!

PS I will be posting this on social media – FB, Twitter, Instagram, and if you see it I’d love it if you would SHARE! xo

Winner chosen on Sunday AM. 

Good luck!

269 thoughts on “Signed Book Giveaway!”

  1. I take my books anyway I always have two going at once 1 in my Kindle and 1 in paperback

  2. I usually read ebooks – just because they are easier on my eyes! 😉 But I read all of my print books if I have them!

  3. I read anything. I do have a tendency to grab my e-reader first, though. My paperback tbr is at about 300. Lol

  4. I love to read on my Kindle device and ibooks/kindle app on my iphone. Once in a while I also read a paperback 😉

    Thank you!

  5. Generally I read all my books via my Nook. However if it is a book I’m addicted to I will also purchase in paperback. And If I’m really obsessed I’ll also go on to audio, but only if I can catch a deal.

    P.S., please don’t share that info with my husband. If he knew I was purchasing three copies of some books he’d cut me off!!!! 😉

  6. I love paperbacks but also read ebooks on my kindle!
    Thanks for the chance!
    Shared the posting on FB

  7. I LOVE reading actual books! Just something about the physical book in my hand allows me to “connect” to the story better! ❤️❤️ Thanks for the chance!! ?

  8. I do all my reading on my Kindle. Which is a good thing, cause I definitely don’t have the room for all the books I have read!

  9. I like to read an actual book. I can’t wrap my head around a tablet device to read. I use get my books online or at b&n

  10. I prefer actual books to digital. However, I’m a kitty bed and the hate when I read books because I tend to move around more so to keep the peace I read more digital books.

  11. I have the Nook and Kindle apps on my tablet, but the books I love I have to get in paperback as well

  12. I am old school I guess you would say.. I love reading paperback.. The Kindle is awesome but there isn’t anything like smelling the pages and feeling the COVER.

  13. I prefer to read from my kindle. It’s easier than carrying around a lot of books when I travel.

  14. I usually read on a Kindle Paperwhite or the Kindle app on my phone, but I do still like a good old paperback! Thank you!

  15. I love reading print books. Love to feel the book. So hardcover and paperback for me.
    Carol L

  16. :woot: I read mostly Ebooks but there’s nothing like having an actual book in hand!! So I have a lot of both!!

  17. Kindle or paperback or hardback – all books are good!! Kindle for hols especially as way lighter!

  18. I love holding a paper book in my hands. My nook hasn’t seen use for almost a year.

  19. Mostly paperback but only because I have several going at the same time. One in the car, in the bathroom, by the computer, several by my bed and the couch. Not to mention the one I’m reading on my iPad that I’m always carrying around. It drives my hubby nuts.

  20. I read paperbacks and eBooks. I read the Ebooks on my Kindle app. I own some paperbacks & also check them out from my library ☺ Neat giveaway ☺Thank you for the chance ?

  21. I prefer using my iPad so I can use the iBook app, Nook app, and Kindle App. I have noticed that not all books are available on all apps so this allows me to be able to read more. I love paper books but being military it gets harder and harder to move with a ton of books.

  22. I love paperbacks! Ebooks are great when I’m out and about ? I do check out slot of books from my local library but I mostly try to buy the ones I love!

  23. Books I absolutely love I get in print. Others I read I usually get ebooks. I have all five apps so not one certain one. Just love reading. Thanks! 😀

  24. Would love the chance to win a signed book, mine are mostly ebooks so a paperback would be great. Thanks for the chance

  25. Mostly e-reader so I always have a book if I find myself waiting. But for certain series, I also buy the book to make it easier to reread certain parts/chapters.

  26. i prefer to read paper books but ebooks rock also…:-) thanks for this great giveaway 🙂

  27. I like both ways. I love holding a book but the ebooks are easier on the eyes sometimes because you can make the words bigger.

  28. I love paperback books! I buy them at stores, resale shops, and yard sales. I also read ebooks on my tablet.

  29. I love the actual paper book. I just can’t get into reading books on my iPad even tho I have hundreds.

  30. I prefer Ebook just because I read so much. I wouldn’t have room in my apartment for them all. As it is I have 4 bookshelves full of books already ? Nothing will ever compare to the smell and feel of a real book, though.

  31. I love paper but I don’t have no more space in my house where to stock all of my book. So I read ebooks on my Kindle and buy only the MUST READ and MOST WANTED books!

  32. I LOVE reading half and half, some kindle some paperback just not lose what really matters.

  33. Paperbacks, definitely. And a lot from the library because there are so many I want to read!! Thanks for the chance to win! :cheerleader2:

  34. I have a Kindle, which I do like, but sometimes I just prefer an actual paper book in my hands.

  35. I love to read paperbacks, hardbacks, on my Kindles, and on my phone with the Kindle app! I just love to read.
    Thanks for the chance! :yourock:

  36. I have no preferred method. I do some authors on my kindle and some paperback. Of course author is the deciding factor.

  37. i love reading ebooks but i will never stop reading real books, love holding a book, the smell of the book, just a real relaxing experience. but ebooks are easier for travel and putting in your bag/purse. ( :

  38. I love my kindle and it definitely is convenient, especially when you read very long books or are reading a series and have to go out somewhere (its much lighter than carrying multiple books LOL!); but as much as I love my kindle it will never replace the feel, smell and sensation of a real book! I adore my books and as far as I am concerned you can never have too many ?

  39. I read both paper back books and iBooks but lately I have been reading my books through my phone on iBooks, it’s easier to take to work and read while on lunch!

  40. I usually read ebooks via my kindle or the Kindle app. I also get paperbacks at the library.

  41. I would be thrilled to win this book!! I love collecting signed books plus I’d love to read this fabulous book!!

  42. I read mostly on kindle ..But i have a very special bookshelf with signed books from special authors.Those i read on holidays ??

  43. I still prefer a print book but Im trying to get used to my ereader since Im running out of space for all my books

  44. I love paper back books! I don’t mind an e-book but there is something special about holding an actual book.

  45. I prefer my ereader now. I commute back and forth to work and its much easier than holding a book and flipping pages at times.
    My paperbacks I have are signed and for show.
    Love your books!!
    Thanks for the chance! ?

  46. I prefer paperback books. I like the feel of s book in my hands.
    Thanks for the chance!!

  47. I now read mostly from my Kindle get them from Amazon but I still read paperbacks and still purchase them. And I will also download the free books on my tablet and read from that.

  48. I usually read ebook on my kindle but that’s because I have trouble holding a book. But I still buy certain books specially if they are signed. This is a fantastic prize would love it. I have all your books on kindle and Audible. Thanks for the chance. I have shared on facebook

  49. I started buying ebooks recently. It is very convenieny,as you have a variety of books with you, and it is so easy to one-click. But believe me, I do buy paperbacks as well!

  50. I love paperback but I’ll admit I love the convenience of my kindle app on my phone and tablet. That way I can read and not bother anyone. 🙂

  51. Was strictly paperback before having two little ones. Now I read mostly from my kindle (they can’t destroy the pages). ?

  52. I love the feel and smell of a book but I usually use my Kindle since I go through 2 to 3 books a week. Thanks for the chance.

  53. I like to read a hard copy of the book. Something about holding the book and turning the pages. I do read ebooks also but prefer books.

  54. I just love to read it doesn’t matter to me if its on my Nook or paperback or a hardcover. I just love books

  55. Love paperback books they are my favorite. And absolutely love your books, read them all multiple times!

  56. I miss the smell of a paperback book but I now use my Nook. I read too many books so the convenience of an e-reader is easier for me.

  57. I mainly read on my kindle but I also get a lot of books from the library. Thanks for the chance to win some signed books :alien: :alien:

  58. It’s more convenient for me to read on my kindle. I take it everywhere and read when I get the chance. Thank you for the giveaway.

  59. Hi Carly,
    thanks for writing! I read on my tablet with the Kindle app, on my Nook, and in paperback format. I just downsized my bookcases from eight to three! It was painful. So these days I only buy certain authors in e- and paper formats, but I am downloading books mostly. With thanks! #professionalromancefan

  60. i read both but right now i bring my kindle with me most places but i still have a full bookshelf too

  61. I still love the look, feel, and smell of paper books. I use my ereader a lit, but nothing beats paper.

  62. I love reading a lot of books, usually paper/or hardbound, and my library card is really full already. So the librarian knows me already and she reserves the books that I want to read in advance. I also love to read ebooks, too.

  63. :yourock: :devilbanana: :glasses: :woot: these are almost as awesome as you. I love your books and have almost all of them.

    • Oops. I forgot to say I love both real books and ebooks. I have most of yours in an actual book. It is easier to read the series that way.

  64. I prefer paperback, however I buy for my kindle or get books from the library if I love the book I buy the paperback. Thanks for the chance! Shared on Facebook and Twitter

  65. I mainly read on my Kindle but also like reading a paperback! Thanks for the chance!

  66. I read ebooks on my Kindle or phone, paperbacks, & I borrow books from the library. The library books may be paper or electronic. I’ll read any way I can.

  67. I love paperbacks but I use my kindle and kindle app on my phone most. . Thank you for the chance. .

  68. I love paperbacks the most. However, I like the convenience of ebooks and the fact that you can change the settings. Thanks for the chance!

  69. I prefer paperback or hard cover. Love to be able to hold a book in my hands. I am loving that I can have a whole lot of books on my Kindle and never have to worry about having nothing to read and who knew that 20 books could weigh almost nothing.

  70. Oh my! What an awesome giveaway! Two great books by two awesome authors! ?? I read on so many different devices. I have my Kobo, first and foremost, and then I have my Kindle app for all of my devices and phone, my new iPad as well. However…classics and graphic novels, I prefer to read on paper. There’s nothing like an old leatherbound classic on a rainy afternoon, with a mug of hot chocolate with Baileys and a bowl of Miss Vicki’s chips. Thanks for the chance. You’re so awesome! ??❤??

  71. I have read your books by paperback, audio,& e-book just this year I finally have a kindle so the ones I was not able to get thought the library that are only e-books I would get them though my Kindle.
    I have read ever one of you book that I was able to get a the public libraries and when ever a new one comes out I have them order it for me at the library so far they have been able to get it for me thank god. So this way with the Public Libraries having them more people get the change to read your books!! :~)

  72. I just love to read my books by paperback. Have so many books but wouldn’t part with them. I also read a little on my iPad but my true love is and will always be paperback !!!

  73. I L❤VE ebooks and paperbacks :)..I love the feel of a real book in my hands❤ Thank you for this AMAZING chance❤? I freaking LOVEEE The Dare series❤❤??

  74. I still love paperback, but I read faster on my kindle and have a huge tbr list, so I tend to do most of my reading on that.

  75. I usually read ebooks on either my Kindle or Nook because it’s easier to grab but ai also do some paperbacks.

  76. I like to read ebooks and paperbacks and it just depends on my mood. My ebooks I read on the kindle app on my phone. I actually bought my phone with reading in mind! Thanks for the chance.

  77. I read on ebook mostly because I can bring it anywhere with my phone. I mostly read on kindle. 🙂

  78. I have & read your Dare to Love books in paperback, but also have them all on my Kindle e-reader. I just love reading your books anyway I can get them.

  79. I love to read both paperbacks and kindle. Most of my books are on kindle; however, I check out a ton of books from the library. There is also a lot of money spent at half priced books.

  80. My favorite way to read books are by paperback. There is nothing better than the actual feel and smell of a real book. However, since paperback books are more expensive (as they should be) I tend to read more from my kindle because it’s cheaper. As long as I’m reading I’m happy it doesn’t matter how 🙂

  81. I prefer paperback but have a kindle and a iPad mini 🙂 thanks for the am amazing chance! I absolutely love your books!!

  82. I love getting either I do have a kid so e-books are easier for me.I honestly can’t wait!

  83. I prefer to read on my tablet via Kindle app, but I also love having the actual book in my hands. Thanks for the giveaway.

  84. I still love paper, but I cannot deny that having a zillion books on my phone for those inevitable waits is magic 😉

  85. I prefer to read paperbacks or hardbacks because I cannot afford my habit I usually check them out from my library.

  86. Love reading books in all forms – paperback, as well as reading on my iPad using both Nook and Kindle apps.

  87. I prefer the book form. There is just something about holding it and turning the page. Next would be an e-reader.

  88. I usually read on my Kindle, but I love to have paperbacks more, they’re just more expensive!

  89. I love my kindle and paperbacks! Although I collect signed paperbacks now, so I usually don’t read them anymore…. Just admire how pretty they are 🙂

  90. I prefer ebook! I read off my phone with the kindle app, but have started collecting signed books!

  91. I love my e-readers as I can take it with me in my purse without all the heavy weight of a paperback. And if I finish there is always another waiting for me.

    I do however love the feel of holding a paperback and still have many in my home. like maybe 4000.

  92. I love to read!!! Period!!! I’ll take them either as paperback or on my kindle!! I love your Dare series!! :readthebook:

  93. I like kindles and paperback I even have hardback books. So whatever book is beside me I read.I have a few in my car and my truck. :heart:

  94. Thanks for this chance..the book looks great…

    I love reading print books as I love the feel of the book in my hand

  95. I usually like to read a real book – love the feel and smell of new books. But I do have a Kindle that I use, too, mainly for novelss and shorts.

  96. Paperbacks are the best for me. I do have a kindle so I read some books on it.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  97. I still love paperbacks! There is nothing like the smell and feel of a new book! Having said that I do read a lot on my ereader too (so many books are electronic only now!) and I can read and knit at the same time, lol! Have a great day!!

  98. I prefer to read books in paperbacks/hardbacks. Easier to read in ebook form. Will be reading books from the library during the summer months for the reading program. But in general reading in wonderful! Thanks for the chance!

  99. I have to have e-reader. Either Nook (B&N) or Kindle. I have low vision problems and e-reader is easier because I can change the font. I love your books but not have read Kay’s. :yourock:

  100. I read both. It’s about a 50-50 split. I love the convenience of my Kindle fire HD but sometimes I just have to have the print book as well. I have discovered that I do read faster if I use my Kindle.

  101. Thanks for the chance! I love eBooks when I’m on the go, and Paperback when I’m relaxing at home! ?❤️

  102. I love books best, you can’t beat the feel and smell of them. Although sometimes you have to get a ebook cus it doesn’t come in paperback.

  103. I like my books however I can get them, print, ebook, or audio! Print is always my top choice though. I like to own my books so I don’t borrow from the library very often but sometimes I do. :yourock: Thanks for the chance!

  104. I love to read on my Kindle Fire, but I love to add books to my bookshelf especially if they are signed…

  105. I love the paperbacks and I keep them all .I do have the kindle and B&N app if there’s no paperback

  106. I read mostly ebooks, on my kindle or my tablet. But I love paperbacks! I have a bunch of them too 🙂

  107. Wow, over 200 people beat me to the entry!! I would love to win! I enjoy reading paperback books!

  108. I read both Paperbacks and Kindle. I prefer paperbacks because I collect certain authors and guess what? You are one of them. Thanks for giving me those moments away from the real world.

  109. Would love to read this. I read on my Tablet mostly but I do read paperbacks. :woot: :worship:

  110. I love to read on my kindle, because it’s convenient. I also like paperback, when I love the book lots that i Just have to have it in had to smell and keep for my collection.

    • I usually read on my Kindle but I Love to have a paper book in my hands too’

  111. I really enjoy reading both ebooks and paperbacks. I read on the kindle app a lot and love that you can highlight things. I also love building my paperback collection of the books I love. :heart2:

  112. A lot of reading I do on my kindle, especially if I can’t sleep at night…don’t need to turn on any lights. But I’ve got a ton of paperbacks in my closet on the shelf & stacked under the shelf. I love to read a paperback, also. Usually try to switch it up when I’m reading. Thanks for the giveaway…it’s awesome!!!

  113. Paperbacks are always my preference! I do take out library books, but I kinda have my own romance library at home!

  114. I prefer e-reader or iPad. Easier reading when on treadmill or when traveling. Can finish one book & start another on without any hassles or need to carry more than one book.

  115. I mostly read print books, I do occasionally read on my iPad with the kindle app, but my first choice is print.

  116. I read most of my books from the Library because I can’t afford to buy all the books I want and I don’t have an ereader!

  117. I love paperbacks, but do to being older in age….I fine it easier to read ebooks. The print can be change for easier reading. And I can read at night with the lights off so hubby can sleep and I can read. Lol

  118. I love to read and rely on my library for the majority of my books. Mostly hard covers or paperbacks. They do get some books in digital form. But for the ones that are from the independent authors (which my library doesn’t buy in any format), I buy ebooks. I love my Kindle Paperwhite.

  119. I do both prints and ebooks. Love how I can carry an entire digital library around with me but also love holding my print books. Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous giveaway! :yourock:

  120. I love reading both: ebooks and paperbacks. I love the feel of paperbacks but at night while I lye with my daughter an ebook comes more handy.

  121. I use to only read hard copies but real life interrupted and now I find I only read on my electronic device. I use a kindle. SometimesI get the ecopy from the library, I do kindle unlimited and I buy books, mainly free or.99.

  122. I really love paperback, love the feel and smell of them. But I have been using the kindle more because the books are way cheaper. When I go on vacation it’s all about the paperbacks. Your the one who got me back into reading with your Chandler brothers series. Thanks you!

  123. I like to read on my kindle…as much as I read, this is the cheapest method. Besides, I can read from the kindle app on my phone if I’m out and have a chance to squeeze in a few pages! Thanks for the chance!!

  124. I used to be anti-kindle and only read actual books lol…but now I love my kindle…so I read my kindle and paper backs ???

  125. I love to read hardback, first, then paperback, and I’m learning to like ebooks on my a Kindle.

  126. I love to read in actual book form. I love the feel of them and actually holding them when I read. But most of the time I read from my e reader because it’s convenient and easy.

  127. I prefer my kindle, it’s easier. But I still read paperbacks from the own collection and from the library, especially if I can’t find it on kindle.

  128. I love the feel of the paperback book while I’m reading. Though since I always carry a book with me my kindle is so much lighter to always haul around. And when I finish one book I can always start another right away.

  129. Hello Carly!!! Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity!!! I usually prefer to read the paperback version of a book!! But I also buy lots of ebooks from Amazon!! And right now I’m reading you AMAZING book Dare To Take!! It’s fantastic!!! I wish you all the best for your career!! Xoxo

  130. Hi Carly, I adore your books and have them all in ebook format. I would love to own a real copy lol as I much prefer real books xxx thanks for being awesome xxx

  131. Good morning, Carly!! Hope your having a good day do far. I usually prefer ebooks, have a Kindle and a couple Fires. But books are good also, have put the devises down for the book I’m reading now (hubby threatened to give books away, gotta show him I’m still reading them). Thanks for the chance.

  132. I like be to read paperback, and listen to audiobooks as a rule. When I go out of town, then I use my kindle

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