Saturday Book Day

So I know what I hope you’re all reading … I’m not exactly subtle … But what am I reading?

I read two new to me Sophie Oak books … menage, so beware. :HOT: And now I’m reading Kristen Ashley’s newest, The Will.

Okay, okay, assuming you aren’t reading THE BOOK THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED HERE TODAY because you all deserve a break from my promotion … What Are You Reading? :reading:

47 thoughts on “Saturday Book Day”

  1. I probably won’t be reading today. I have pre-edits to do and a short story due at the end of the month.

  2. Dare to Desire (yes I named it LOL) is at the top of my wish list and as soon as I have book $ again, I’ll be reading it! I can’t wait! I’m still reading the same boxed set I was reading last week. It’s called Make Me and it’s “dark erotic”. There are some really long books in this boxed set! I have also read several Sophie Oaks books and enjoyed them!

  3. Dare to Desire!! I finished Business As Usual by Denise Grover Swank yesterday and was able to start yours on my commute home! YAY So far, I’m loving it!

  4. lol. I am reading “the book that shall not be named.” I love Alex and Madison. Thanks for telling us what you are reading. It helps be find another series while wait for yours to keep coming out. lol

  5. I am reading the Divine Creek Ranch series right now. I think they are associated with the books by Sophie Oaks.

  6. I finished THE WILL last night. I loved it. But I have to tell you that you should have some tissues handy when you get close to the end. I bawled like a baby. :tears: I’m starting ‘the book’ today! :cheerleader2:

  7. I have your book and The Will just staring at me from my kindle app, but somehow this week started the Castleough Series by Joann Ross. It is an old,series that has been brought back in kindle form. I started the first book and fell down a rabbit hole. Immediately had to read the next two books in the trilogy, my only complaint is that they are very expensive for ebooks, but am finishing the third one today so I can start your book!

  8. Have been reading “The Great Escape” by Susan Elizabeth Phillips and am just about to the end. Next I’ll be reading “The Book” by YOU!! Susan’s book is good but I’ve been anxious to get to yours.

    But I am also starting to read SIX MONTHS by MS Dark. This will be my second paranormal book I will have read. I have not decided if I am into this type of book.
    We will see……

  10. I HAD to finish your book that shall not be named this morning before I left the house! Now I have to make the tough decision what to start on next! I have way too many in my Kindle to choose from…wait.. is that even possible… too many to choose from? What was I thinking?! That’s not possible! Anyway, loved the Dare books and am anxiously awaiting the next one already which I believe is scheduled on my anniversary! 🙂

  11. I’m finishing up Bad Girl Bridesmaids by Susanna Carr. Then I’m going to start :reading: Dare to Desire :happybanana:

  12. You know what I’m reading!!! It’s just been put aside as my sister passes away yesterday from an aneurysm. Not the girls weekend we were suppose to have. 🙁

  13. Trying to finish book one “Hot Zone” by some author I’ve never wanted to read so that I can get to that same author’s newest book. Of course I’m LOLing all the way Carly. The Hot Zone is great but can’t wait to get into DTD. :thumbsup:

  14. I’ll get to your book soon but right now I’m reading the Broslin Creek series by Dana Marton. I’ve just started book 3 and can’t read them fast enough (just like what happens when I start reading yours – LOL).

  15. Sorry 🙁 Not ready anything this weekend and haven’t had a chance to read anything at all since Oct. 2013 due to many family issues plus deaths. Must place all of my little energy I have towards finishing 3 more cross-stitch projects before I can even begin purchasing all of the books by author’s I love. I’ll probably need to get a small bank loan to cover the cost of the books 🙂 I started out with 13 projects last March and I’m now down to 3, finished 2 in the latter part of March/beginning of April and now must start another today 🙁

    The GREAT news in this time frame of the circle of life, I lost a nephew way too young but, God gave us a new grandchild, a premie but God will take care of him too.

    Happy reading everyone and beware for I WILL catch up to all of you before the hot summer days/nights of July are upon us!! Wish me luck with that bank loan 🙂

  16. I like your book days because I find a nice list of new books to try! I’m reading “the book that shall not be named” and also starting GUNS: The Spencer Book (Rook and Ronin Spinoff) By J. A. Huss, a hot and great series!

  17. I’m with Michelle V. Need some more $ in my budget for books. I am reading BETTER DATE THAN NEVER boxed set by Susan Hatler. The first story was funny hope the rest are too. I was looking for something light after reading NO REGRETS.

  18. I just finished night diver by Elizabeth Lowell. Now I am rereading Dare to Love so it will be fresh in my mind for my next read Dare to Desire.

  19. Already finish the book that will not be mentioned. Loved it!!!!!! :yourock:
    Now reading Night Diver by Elizabeth Lowell.

  20. I just finished the book that shall not be named and reading J Kenner’s latest…..I can’t remember the title. Love it, so far!

  21. Just finished the 2nd Dare book and it was SO great – I immediately ordered the 1st one and finished that one….I agree w/ one of the previous posts about the high cost of OLD books being formatted as e-books and cost way more than originally….Do Publishers really think the public doesn’t notice? WELL that’s my rant….Nevertheless,,, love your books CP!! Keep up the excellent work, please!!

  22. Already finished and loved Alex and Madison! I’m reading Burn For You by Marquita Valentine and It Happened One Wedding by Julie James this weekend. Loving both!

  23. Finished Dare to Desire this morning and loved it, can’t wait for Alex’s story. Now am working on Starting Now by Debbie Macomber.

  24. I’m currently reading once in a lifetime by Jill Shalvis, and will start Dare ?? next. Love to have good authors to keep me busy!

  25. I’m catching up on the “Line of Duty” series by Tessa Bailey. I kind of read them out of order :oops2: so I’m reading #3 OFFICER OFF LIMITS now, but have already read #4 and #5. LOL

  26. Sorry, Saturday was a long day that started at 3:30 so I’m just now responding. I’m reading Temporarily Yours by Ken McLaughlin/Diane Alberts. This is a new to me author and I’m hooked.

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