Really Cool News

DareToSurrender_1600x2400I finished writing DARE TO SURRENDER! I can’t tell you how excited I am.  Gabe and Isabelle are so unique and different for me – some of you may have seen – this book is in first person – it’s a stretch for me – and I started to write it during a dark time in my life when I wanted to write just for me. I’m so happy that the story was able to fit into both the DARE series and INVITATION TO EDEN – and I could finish and bring it to you.  I know July 15th is a long ways away but it’s not as long as if you had to wait for a traditionally published book!

When I can’t think of a blog topic, I am going to answer questions that you all have asked me.

Martina C. asked –

I always wondered how do authors pick their covers? Are they made for each book individually or do you use stock pictures and customize them to your book? And how long does it take you too pick the perfect cover picture? :)

Carly answers – If we’re talking indie authors (not NY publishers who really do all the picking) – the answer varies by author.  I, personally, don’t mind if the picture on my cover is occasionally used by another author as long as my book cover is unique and people recognize it as a Carly cover.  My name font and placement ensures this.  Yes, it’s stock but it’s carefully selected.  I could pay more for exclusive rights, but honestly I like the flexibility of being able to change a cover if it doesn’t work for me and if I pay a ton for the rights, I’d be more hesitant to do that.  I am not a good picture / couple searcher – so I tend to either ask someone to help, another author or my cover artist.  I have to fall in love with the couple, but once I find them, I don’t feel like I need to see more.  So for me it doesn’t take all that long.  The fabulous Kim Killion at Hot Damn Designs does my covers for DARE books and my other indie works.

I’m sure you noticed INVITATION TO EDEN / DARE TO SURRENDER doesn’t go with the other covers. The reason for this is that the covers for the Eden books have a certain “look” and each author worked within that. I did pick my couple, though! And yes, the pearls in the cover are worked into the story.  Frauke at Croco Designs did the Eden covers and they’re gorgeous.  Once all Eden books have been out for awhile, we all have the option of individualizing our covers.  I will worry about that when the time comes.

I hope this answers the question! Thoughts? More questions?

17 thoughts on “Really Cool News”

  1. This will be thee first 1st person book I look forward reading. Hopefully it will be ass good as your other Dare Books. :flamey:

  2. Thanks for the info. Always interested in how covers are chosen and certain authors covers do have a certain look about them.
    Look forward to reading it.


  3. Carly. I’ve been loving the Eden books as they come out but yours is a must read for me!!

  4. I am looking forward to Gabe and Isabella’s book… It will be interesting to read it in the first person..

  5. I love the cover! I’ve read more books in first person in the last year and really enjoy them.

  6. Interesting! I do like it when the cover makes sense with the book. And wonder when there is a cover element that caught my eye, and then never appears in the book. Although I can’t think of a specific example right now, it can even be something as little as the heroine in a yellow dress on the cover, and then mentioning in the book that she never wears yellow for whatever reason.

  7. I have always stayed away from 1st person books. I have already ordered this as I read everything you write hopefully it will win me over

  8. I have only recently learned to enjoy a few first person books. I look forward to reading this one.

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