
So … my purse (which is more of a suitcase if you’ve seen it) was heavy and part of that is my bottle of water and my ipad mini (which I LOVE). Kindle Worlds was awesome to me and gave me a screen saver in their Kindles. And I decided I wanted a Kindle Paper White because it’s lighter. (And I could see my screen saver). So I ordered it, used points, didn’t cost money, it arrived and … I MISSED MY COLOR IPAD MINI. The Kindle was too hard to swipe in comparison. I wanted color … I packed it up and returned it.

Two questions:
If you’re an eReader, what is your device of choice and why?
What are you reading?
(I’m still organizing myself post-book and getting it all ready for publication!)

53 thoughts on “Reading!”

  1. Currently reading Crave the Night by Lara Adrian. I’m a Nook reader, I’ve always loved BN. When I got my first reader back in 2009, the first nook wasn’t available so I got a Sony Reader. That was okay, but when that started to go, I got a Nook Simple touch. After letting my nephew play with it, the clickers stopped working and a friend bought me the Nook color. After issues with that, I upgraded to the Nook HD. I’m happy with it. The Kindle was too far out of my price range when I first started looking, which is why I didn’t get that. I’m happy with the Nook HD because it runs google play so I’m still able to get Kindle books, Kobo Books and, before it closed, Sony Reader books. I also have the Overdrive app so I can borrow books from my local libraries (NYC & Queens).

  2. I had a Nook Color for a few years, I really liked it, except it wasn’t great for web use. I started craving a kindle but couldn’t see spending the money. But at the beginning of the summer I bit the bullet and got the kindle fire hdx. I love it!! No more sharing the laptop, I do my email, FB and web use with it. Plus, access to tons of books not available on the Nook. Not sure what I’m going to read today, just finished the anthology Kiss Me I’m Irish last night 🙂

  3. I have a Kindle Fire and I’m reading Something Sweeter by Candis Terry. I wasn’t sure if I would like a ereader when I bought my Kindle Fire a couple of years ago but I love it I don’t regret buying it.

  4. I purchased a Kindle Fire HD 8.9 this spring! I love it. Up till then I was a paperback reader. Love it. I sit on the porch read, can check my email and Facebook! Now only lug the laptop when I know I’m going to need something specific. I’ve become tech crazy as I now sit at my desktop answering you 🙂

  5. I have a Kindle Fire I got a couple of years ago and love it. I love how I can borrow books from the lenders library. I am currently reading The Springs by Elena Aitken. I also just downloaded several books yesterday from your post. I’m excited to read those too.

  6. I use the kindle app on my phone, and on my computer. I am reading the Nine by Night anthology on the kindle, and started a hardback non-fiction book called the Three Christs of Ypsilanti. Not sure I am going to finish that one.

  7. Just finished The Case of the Flashing Fashion Queen by N. L. Wilson. Laugh out lout funny mystery. Now reading The Homecoming by Robyn Carr. Love my Kindle Fire. Never owned an iPad.

  8. I have a keyboard Kindle and a Kindle Fire, gifts from my husband. I use both of them. The keyboard Kindle holds a charge longer and the Fire allows me Internet access. I still read more traditional books than e-books.

  9. So glad for your post today. I have an iPad and use the Kindle app(mainly, cause I love Amazon), Nook app, and even the iBooks app occasionally. I’ve toyed with the idea of getting a Kindle Paper White for similar reasons…’s lighter, it’s better for glare outside, and I could use the free kindle books with my Amazon Prime membership. It’s nice to hear a review from someone who has done this. I like that my iPad is 5+ devices in one and worried about having to carry another device when traveling.

  10. i have an “old” kindle my boys gave me. just the basic. i prefer books where it is easier to go “back” to a page. and i find there are more grammatical errors on the kindle, i.e. misspelled words, no commas-that can change how the sentence is read. authors may have proofreaders for their books but e-books need more proofreaders. but on the plus-i love the free or .99 books. guess i still am “old school”-like using the computer. easier on my eyes-i know-can make print bigger. carrying my small cell and the kindle is plenty for me. lol

    am reading “one wrong move” by shannon mckenna. great series

  11. My husband gave me an Kindle ereader last Christmas. I don’t use it very often as I still prefer my paper books.

  12. I prefer paperbacks, always will, but funds are low. I have the kindle app on my phone and the scribd app too. Im currently working my way through The Mckettrick Cowboys by Linda Lael Miller.

  13. I’m reading Games of the Heart by Kristen Ashley. Freaking LOVING IT!
    I use Kindle Paperwhite. I love it! Use it everyday and hardly ever have to charge it. I can lay in bed with the lights off or out in the sun with no problems. I don’t mind the online stuff with it, use my phone for that, if I’m not near my computer. There is a browser on the Paperwhite, so you can look stuff up. It’s not that great, but works for simple things.

  14. I have an old Nook but I love it, I’d like to upgrade but don’t want to spend the money. I’m have knee replacement surgery in Nov so I’ll be stocking up on ebooks. My good friend just gave me a B&N gift card for my birthday and it will be put to good use. :wave:

  15. I have the Nook HD that I love, it has the kindle app on it. I got an iPad for Christmas from my kids. It has the Nook and kindle app on it along with the iBook app. I use the iPad when I am home to read on. If I am out I take my Nook. I won’t be as upset if it is stolen or lost. I also read paperbacks, there is no replacing the holding, page turning and smell of a book.

  16. I have used a Kindle since 1997. I have just purchased a Kindle Fire which I prefer over the IPad I am reading What I Love About You by Rachel Gibson

  17. Just finished Jill Shalvis’ It’s In His Kiss last night. I kept laughing out loud and (we have company this weekend) my friend kept sneering at me because I was reading a “romance” book. She, on the other hand, was reading some tome or other and yammered about how she hated it. But it WAS considered “high brow” enough for her to deign to read. What a book snob! Anyway, I love my Mini, too! But I do have a Kindle Fire. Color is great and it gives me something to use/read when my Mini is being charged. Don’t think I’d like the Paperwhite but dunno….

  18. I have a Kindle.. I was lucky a few years ago to win mine.. But I still read old school too..
    I am currently reading a new to me author Sara Ardern’s book Return to Glory.. I am becoming a fan.

  19. I just got a Kindle Paperwhite. I really like the size and feel. I also read on my iPad mini but find I prefer the Kindle for the lighter weight

    Currently reading Tangled Vines (The Scavenger’s Daughter #2). Very good. And very different from what I normally read.

  20. My sister gave me a first edition Kindle Fire which holds lots of ebooks. I enjoy it but still like holding paperbacks in my hands.

  21. I go back and forth between an eReader and paperbacks. I have an iPad and use both iBooks and the kindle app. Both are pretty easy to use but probably not as lightweight as a Kindle.

    Just finished Robyn Carr’s The Homecoming and starting up No Limits by Lori Foster.

  22. I have the kindle paperwhite and love it. I also have a kindle fire but I don’t like reading on it. So I just play with it. For me with just reading the kindle paperwhite is the way to go.I don’t miss color on it because you don’t have color when reading a book.

  23. Paperwhite, cause I love to read outside….FIRE for reading in bed and my IPad is just my computer now. Reading SEP’s newest!

  24. I still use my Kindle for reading even though I got a Kindle Fire HDX for when I’m at my mom’s and want to show her something on FB. That’s the only reason I bought the Fire and honestly, I haven’t been all that enamored with it. My second GRAND has the Fire and loves it. But since I have 43 pages of book titles to read on my Kindle all I really need is to be is a castaway with an electric outlet (for recharging!) so I can just read!! At this point, don’t think I’d even need to eat for a while. Just keep the men away. I LOVE MY BOOK BOYFRIENDS!!! Oh, and love you too Carly!

  25. I have a Kobo and a Kindle Fire HD. There is no comparison between the two. One has all of the bells and whistles and the other one doesn’t. I usually read on both of them, but I still enjoy reading the majority of my books in print.

  26. I have the Kindle Wi-Fi, 6″ Display. It was a gift. It is perfect just to read ebooks on it.

    Reading Harbor Island by Carla Neggers.

  27. I have both keyboard and paperwhite kindle and read off both. I love them both. I still read paperbacks also. Right now I am reading the Dundee Idaho books by Brenda Novak.

  28. I have a old Kindle – hoping to get an IPad mini next year . Currently reading Seaside Dreams by Melissa Foster

  29. I have an original Nook that I used occasionally. I spent more time charging it then using it because I am totally old school and prefer actual books. I only used it on vacations. I did receive an Ipad Mini for Christmas which I never leave home without, but I mostly just use it for games and Facebook. I use the Kindle app occasionally for ARCs I get from an author but that’s about it.

  30. I have kindle it but have a problem with paying more for ebook than a paperback. Reading LOVE LETTERSright now.

  31. I have both a Kindle Fire and a Kindle Paperwhite. I love them both for different reasons. The Kindle Fire gives me the color I love but the Paperwhite gives me much longer battery for reading a book.

  32. I use a Kindle Fire HD 7 inch. I love it except you don’t have a way to “shelve” your books. Other than that….LOVE IT!

  33. I have both a Nook and a Kindle Paperwhite.
    I am going to be reading Caroline’s Secret by Amy Lillard. Will start it today.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  34. I started out with a Nook glow-light, then tried a Nook color because I wanted more features, then upgraded to the iPad mini. I will never go back. I LOVE the functionality of the ipad and I can use multiple reading apps. I gather books from several different services depending on pricing and freebies. I can easily download from public libraries and then post to goodreads/twitter after I finish a really good one!

    I am currently reading the Hard Ink series (Laura Kaye) as well as the Cocktails series (Alice Clayton)

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