Princess and the Pea

That’s me. I’m so fussy with my bedding and my pillows. We’ve already talked pillows. This summer, after years of the same sheets that were super soft but finally ripped, I took the plunge. I bought sheets. I hate the expense and worse I am  … NOT HAPPY so I just ordered a set from Bed Bath and Beyond (DKNY sateen – GREAT reviews on softness/coolness). I’m so annoyed at the money wasted on the other sets. Sigh. Am I the only princess in the group?

15 thoughts on “Princess and the Pea”

  1. Oh my. I’m the same way. I waste more money on sheets. They discontinued my favorite set. Now I’m still looking. I’ll check out B&B

  2. This time of year I use flannel sheets. So warm and comfy when getting into bed on a cold night! I buy mine in sets wherever on sale – TARGET, JCPenny, Dept stores, Costco, etc.

    Hope you enjoy your new sheets and find a new favorite!

  3. Nope. You’re NOT alone. It can’t cost that much to make sheets. Why are they so darn expensive? I keep two sets per season, so two sets of cottony ones for Spring/Summer and two sets of flannel for Fall/Winter. I refuse to buy more than that. I usually buy cheap Walmart pillows too, but then I use 3 to sleep on and one to prop my arm up on.

  4. I also want the softest of sheets- I hate scratchy sheets, yet I hate paying $150.00 for a set of sheets. Since I don’t use a top sheet, sometimes I splurge and just buy the fitted sheet. As long as it’s on sale, or I have a coupon for Be, Bath and Beyond, I’m OK with paying for a great sheet. Afterall, we’re worth it!

  5. Sorry, as long as the sheets are clean and aren’t stiff, I’m happy. Now pillows…. Glad you found some that you like!

  6. that’s my saying for over 50 yrs!!! but more for my car and when it acts up-don’t know what the problem is but i know something is wrong!! as to the sheets you don’t like-return them!! i got 800 thread sheets for my son at jcpenney with a huge doorbuster and coupon event for less than $70.

  7. Not quite that princessy, but we do like soft sheets. I hope your sateen ones last longer than mine, although I don’t remember where I got them. They started pilling within a year. I have been happy with some I got from Macy’s, their Cluster Dot ones, and an older set that they don’t carry anymore. Not a high thread count, but feel quite nice. The couple of sets we have tried with the super high thread counts tend to shrink, even with washing in cold water.

  8. I always get my flannel sheets from Costco and up here they are on the bed nine months out of the year. I have two sets. I just bought regular sheets from BB&B cause I hate the microfiber and I’m not happy about them but can’t afford the really good regular sheets. I’m fine. I sleep well! :thud:

  9. The higher the count the softer they are. I buy King sets for $25/$39 wash them and they are soft and cool. DO NOT GET HOTEL STYLE they are to heavy. :brrr:

  10. No, I am very picky also! The only sheets I like are the JCPenney Home™ 300tc Easy Care Solid Sheet Set. :batlash:

  11. I am the same way. I like nice soft sheets when I get into bed. I like to snuggle into my bed with my soft sheets and blankets and enjoy and good nights sleep.

  12. I like the Jennifer Lopez line at Kohls. Of course I can’t see spending $189 a set so I wait until they are half off or more, then look online for a 30% off code and order a set!

  13. I need my sheets to be soft. I have very sensitive skin so I have to be careful with the type of sheets I put on my bed.

  14. Nope, you’re not the only one!! My biggest peave is when the sheets don’t fit properly and I end up with a bunch of creases beneath me!

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