Most Embarrassing Moment

Yesterday, thanks to hubby’s car’s navigation, we went to pay a condolence call and walked into wrong house in same name town. House unlocked and by Jewish tradition we let ourselves in and scared a woman to death. Maybe the cookie platter in my hand reassured her we weren’t serial killers? What’s your most embarrassing moment?

10 thoughts on “Most Embarrassing Moment”

  1. :oops2: That’s too funny. Thank goodness you had A month ago I was at CVS to buy daughter her Stay Free pads. It was raining like crazy. My daughter dropped me off and went around to circle the lot. I came out andcould hardly see in front of me but I saw the car coming round and jumped in quickly. Holding up the pads I said ” this is all they had” and looked into the eyes of a total stranger who looked at me like I was from another planet. A very handsome stranger I may have run off with if he asked. lol
    I was so embarrassed that I just said I was so sorry and jumped out. He just smiled. My daughter hasn’t stopped teasing since.
    Carol L

  2. I was in high school and getting ready to go out on a date, my younger brother was having z birthday party and the house was full of boys… no girls allowed, I was using the master bathroom and when I was done the doorknob didn’t work, so here I was in the back room, no way to get out and this was before cell phones. I had to call out the window over the music and finally my mom went loking for me. She had to call a neighbor who took the hinges off the dor to get it opened. My date arrived and was asked to wait and told what was going on. Finally I was free and left on my date. And no we never went out again.

  3. I went to a holiday party with a date in San Francisco and they had strippers of both sexes (don’t ask) anyway because I was on a date and because the male stripper had an unfortunate resemblance to Glen Campbell I was ignoring him. He didn’t take kindly to that so as I was walking by he snagged me with his pants and dragged me to him. It’s not my fault that I stepped on his bare feet and elbowed his genitals. :oops2:

  4. OMG! Sorry for all of you! I know I have ’em, I just can’t remember this early in the morning…please just trust that there have been many. :hanukkah:

  5. My dad wanted to see a piece of furniture that was in the lounge (which was before the rest room part of the ladies room.) It looked like what we had at home and I was with him. We had to explain to others why he was there.

  6. One I can remember (surely there were more). I was about 12 and walked into a stranger’s house. Luckily, I realized that it wasn’t my aunt’s house before the person saw me. In my defense, I had just moved to the town and all of the houses looked the same because they were the cotton mill’s property.

  7. I fell at the Venture Fair Ground during a Dog Show. Everyone saw this. I did ask the photo people behind me if this was going to be on the new at 11, she laughed and said she wasn’t filming. Thank God.

  8. Embarrassing moments occurs so often that we cannot forget it in whole life time. My embarrassing moment was, i have to go in a relatives marriage and i reached the venue but at the wrong place attend the wedding but thinking that i don’t know none of them. As the bride and groom enters i stuns that i am at the wrong wedding, i feel so ashamed that if anyone ask me anything than what can i tell them. I leave the venue very fastly.

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