Monday :(

Sorry … not only is it Monday but I’m recuperating from an awful migraine that had me in bed all day yesterday. I’m sure I can get up today which is an improvement, but it’s still not good. So nothing witty to offer today.  Just a cute pic I posted on FB. 10262012_10152353282675734_5825264832260917881_n

31 thoughts on “Monday :(”

  1. Migraines are the worst and after they go away, it takes another day to recover. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. Sorry to hear about your migraine…I had a nasty one as well yesterday and spent half the day in the ER.

    Feel better soon Carly!

  3. Cute picture. Hope you feel better soon. I’m dealing with what I think is bronchitis at this point. Have to get better before my 5K race on Saturday.

  4. Sorry about the migraine! I get them all the time and I don’t know why, but holidays seem to be when also. Hope you are feeling better.

  5. Now you have the dreaded migraine hangover. I hate those damn things. USA Weekend just did a story for migraine sufferers of a new gadget called the Cefaly which generates micro impulses to stimulate nerve endings. I was looking into their website at

  6. Carly, migraines are devastatng and the next day isn’t fun either as I’m sure you know. Take the day easy..cute pic! :dog:

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