Meet Carly & Goodies Galore

Normally I’ll run a contest on Fridays and announce a winner on Sundays. Since I started the blog on Saturdays, today I’m going to ask you a question. I am going to a bunch of reader conferences this year (Yay!). List below. And I’d like to know other than bookmarks (because a lot of conferences don’t allow paper in their goodie bags) what kind of goodies you would like to take home if you were there? Even better, what kind of goodies (i.e. nail file, magnets, pins, things I haven’t thought of!) would make you purchase a new to you author’s book? MeetCarlyin2014


Lori Foster’s Reader and Author Get Together  – 06/05/2014

I’ll be at Lori Foster’s Reader and Author Get Together at the Cincinnati Marriott North in West Chester, Ohio on June 5-8, 2014.  I’m sponsoring the Dangerous Desire room with Liliana Hart, Julie Kenner and Dee Davis. CLICK HERE!

Romance Writer’s of America National Conference 07/23/2014

Come find me at the Romance Writer’s of America National Conference in San Antonio, Texas on July 23-26, 2014. Open to the Public: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 – 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. – “Readers for Life” Literacy Autographing – – San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter Hotel.  CLICK HERE!

Authors After Dark 08/06/2014

I’ll be at Authors After Dark at The Westin Charlotte in Charlotte, NC on August 6-10, 2014. CLICK HERE!

Indie Unmasked 11/15/2014

Come find me at the Indie Unmasked booksigning at the Fishers Banquet Center in Indianapolis, Indiana on November 15, 2014. Tickets are required.    CLICK HERE.

REMEMBER! I want to know- what kind of goodies (i.e. nail file, magnets, pins, things I haven’t thought of!) you would like to take home if you were there? Even better, what kind of goodies would make you purchase a new to you author’s book?


39 thoughts on “Meet Carly & Goodies Galore”

  1. Pretty but functional key rings and key rings with nightlights in them would be nice. Those would give me an incentive to purchase a book from a new to me author as well as an author I love.

  2. I love the pens and magnets are good too. The only thing that would get me to purchase a new Author’s books would be the blurbs on the back and inside cover and friends feedback on their books.I wouldn’t need something material to try them out. But pens,magnets and some of the Authors make their own bookmarks which are really nice, these are goodies I like :). Hopefully I’ll eventually make to a conference as I have never been yet.
    Carol L

  3. Mini coffee mugs or a non-paper bookmark, but the one thing that actually helps me decide whether I will buy a certain book or try a new author is the summaries that are on the books, so if you could put paper in your goodie bags, I would suggest the little teasers from your books, or the teasers like you post on facebook, those would get new people that haven’t read your books interested in reading them.

  4. I like the bottle caps with pictures on them, miniature book charms, rubber bracelets, magnets, guitar picks. Anything signed by the author i would buy

  5. I think Tara suggestions is a good one. I love pens and notepads. Every time I use them I think of the author. Nail files are nice but sometime they a are poor quality. As for buying a new author…I would say book discounts and recommendation by other authors I like.

  6. I would love a bookmark with your books listed on it, and pens.
    If I was to purchase a new book, I also read the back cover and the inside to see what the story is about and the author.
    I like your idea of nail files and magnets.
    Good Luck at your book signing! 🙂

  7. I have won swag such as postcards, bookmarks, rubber bracelets, key-chains, chap-stick, guitar picks, pin on buttons, calenders, magnets and last I won a pair of garden clogs, lol Anything would be great. Check out They have all kinds of stuff! Hope this helps!

  8. Pens are my favorite thing. Got one at book signing yesterday that had a stylus tip on one end. Magnets, pins, lip balm, and book chams are all great. I love bookmarks and book thongs too, but mostly read on my kindle now, and don’t use them as much.

  9. I like pens also little pads of paper with the book cover on it
    Chapstick sounds like a cool idea and I have a little first aid kit I keep in my purse from an author

  10. A cool thing I got as swag was a purse size spray antibacterial hand sanitizer. It is flat (about the thickness of a matchbook) and the size of a small notepad, so it fits anywhere. I would love to receive another one of those. Mine is almost empty and I can’t figure out how to refill it.

  11. I use the pens & magnets, as well as the bookmarks. One author sent a little plastic covered note pad for your pocketbook & that was nice, too!

  12. I would like anything autographed and notepads and pens are always good. I read the back cover blurb or inside blurb to check out an author I have never read.

  13. I don’t need anything to make me purchase a new author. I see what others have to say about a particular book/author and I know the types of books I like and the types I don’t like.

    If I was able to get to a book signing, which would be some sort of miracle and the way my luck runs, I’d be in the group where the author has the line cut because too many people have shown up to get a book signed 🙂

    Love magnets, don’t know why and I don’t tend to use book marks but, like the others, I love the small sewing kits that have saved my life on many occasions, coffee mugs, rulers, note pads or note cards w/envelopes with a saying or something like that from an author’s book.

    Hope to see you one day Miss Carly, I love all of your books!!! Lori Foster’s too 🙂

  14. Hi Carly!
    I love all kinds of author swag! Bracelets, book charms, deck of cards, keychains, pens, pencils, small pouches, tote bags, tapes, craft items, coffee mugs or even coffee/tea, candy and knick-knacks. The sky’s the limit! I always love getting new books from the author too!

    I just loved your Serendipity series! Have a wonderful time at the conference!

  15. I like the magnets & pens & notepads ideas. I don’t need anything to encourage me to buy, the blurb just has to grab me. I like the idea someone gave about giving snippets from books. Maybe on a calendar (one page a day type). Or you could do a whole year magnetic calendar with certain dates circled for book releases &/or book signings. Attending a RWA event is on my bucket list & really hope to meet you one of these days. Don’t think it will be this year though. I don’t live close enough to these events.

  16. I love pens and pads of paper/post-its. I also love wrist bands or rubber wrist bands. I also like bookmarks or homemade book marks. I also love anything that I can put on my desk at work to promo. Mugs, cups, bags, or magnets to sit on my desk. I have people stop by and ask my who that is, or what books have they written.

  17. Swag stuff I’ve gotten from other authors have been things like a shot glass announcing the wedding of one of the couples of a series, a signed tarot card, signed bookplates, temporary tattoos, postcards, a homemade bookmark, magnets, door hangers, drink coasters, stickers and regular printed series bookmarks. I even once got a business card that was my “offical fan club membership card”, if I bring the card to a signing event that the author is at, I present the card to her and get a gift, I thought that was a neat idea, so far all the signing events for my authors are too far away so I don’t know what the gift might be. I like to frame and display whatever I get from the authors I love to read so I’m really not picky. I’d want/buy anything signed from my favorite authors (all 40 of them lol), and to get interested in a new author, I wouldn’t need anything other than to read a blurb from their book. If it interested me then I’d read it. Hope this helps:)

  18. Bookmarks would be my #1 thought. Since you maybe can’t do paper, did you think about a thin plastic bookmark? Either one that clips over a page or flexible plastic.

  19. Pens, Book thongs (decorative ribbon or chain), lotion, chap-stick, flashlights, key-chains, cups, mini first-aid kits, mini sewing kits, sun-glasses, necklaces, bracelets, pill tins

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