
When reviewers ask what would you be if you weren’t a writer, I always say I wish I could be like a makeup artist and learn to really do makeup well and correctly. I love product. I love new product even more. But for some reason, I haven’t bought makeup in a really long time. Which doesn’t mean I don’t own makeup. I’m overloaded with products. But I reached a point where I was bored with what was in my drawers, and what I did put on, I almost couldn’t notice it anymore because I’ve had it so long and am so used to wearing it. I have all the Laura Mercier eye shadow, lipstick, blush, etc. I need. Same with Mac. Same with Clinique.

I went to the mall with hubby yesterday, and he’s a mad mall rusher. Go in, get what you need, get out. Still, I was determined to fit in finding new stuff. I found a makeup artist in Nordstroms, explained my dilemma and she suggested a new to me (not new to anyone else) line, SMASHBOX. I’ve heard of it, of course, but never tried it. Well, I came home with 2 eye shadow trios, 2 liners, lipstick and gloss, and blush. For now, I still have my Laura Mercier foundation. Can’t wait to try it all tomorrow. I’ll have to let you know how it goes.

What’s your favorite makeup brand/product?

43 thoughts on “Makeup”

  1. I used to sell L’BRI and I still love love love it. I and no sells person and no one had ever heard of L’BRI in NC so it was very hard for me to make money in. The products were the best I have ever found. All natural skincare and all products even the liquid foundation (except the dry make up products) are aloe based!!!! extremely wonderful effective products!!!

  2. My favorite brand is Elizabeth Arden for moisturizers (love their eye and face caplets, it’s like putting silk on your face) and foundation, but I use good old Cover Girl for my eye shadow and mascara, and Maybelline for my eyeliner. So I mix it up a bit in my makeup choices.

  3. I am a Fleur de Vie consultant. Our products are about 2 years old but the founders of the company have 40+ years experience in the makeup and skincare industry. Love our products. Check out our line at and just put my name, Lora Roberts, as consultant. Our hero product is B Energized Serum – vitamins for your face! We are looking to expand with more consultants – so if anyone is interested they can contact me at!

  4. I am like you. I just use what ever the store has. It has been so long since I have bought anything new. I have not been introduced to the new products that are out. Guess I need to get a make-over……
    Thanks for sharing with us!!

  5. I’m one of those weird women. I have a decent complexion and skin tone. I haven’t worn makeup since my daughter got married five years ago. Give me a bit of chapstick and moisturizer and I’m all set.

  6. I’m a bareMinerals girl. Love it all and have drawers full of their stuff. It doesn’t itch, or annoy my sensitive skin, doesn’t sink into my fine lines and has a natural SPF.

  7. I really don’t wear make-up very often. When I do, i feel like a clown. I wear lip gloss, usually Clinque or Lancome. My 22 yr old daughter lives for visits to Sephora, and she is an Urban Decay Junkie. They have some great eye shadow palates- mostly neutral, but with various shades for the different skin types.

  8. Makeup and skincare junkie here. I am a video producer and one of my clients is Sephora. We work on training videos for their brands including Smashbox! Heaven! I’ve worked with many different makeup artists and have learned some neat tips and tricks. I love trying new products and have a lipstick addiction. Makeup is a very happy purchase!

  9. I wear makeup as seldom as possible. When I have to, its mascara and a softest bit of foundation. I never learned how to do it well. And never want to spend the time. same with my hair. Never want to spend the time.

  10. when I have to wear makeup I use my Clinique brand. never have been one to use it daily but took the plunge and got help with finding the right stuff from the lady at the dept store.

  11. I’ve never tried Smashbox but I’ve heard its awesome. You’ll have to let us know if you like it!
    I have a daughter who sells Avon and a niece who sells Arbonne. So most of my makeup comes from there. I do however wear Estee Lauder foundation. I LOVE it!

  12. I use a lot of different make-up products, like Lancôme and Clarins products, even some stand by Revlon products, and I have a tube of concealer by Smashbox in my make-up bag.

  13. I tend to stay with Clinique and Estee lauder because I have sensitive skin. Once I find something I like, I stay with it for years. I’m weird that way.

  14. I don’t use much anymore — never could get it to look natural anyway. I use Cover Girl mascara and Estee Lauder eye shadow/liner/blush. But just mascara most of the time!

  15. I stopped wearing what little makeup I did wear when I had kids. I had no time to put it on & get everyone ready for school. So I’m no helo at all. Amazingly one daughter is really into makeup & the other wears it lightly.

  16. I envy Rochelle L. I’ve never been good with hair or makeup so for a while I wore my hair long and straight, and as little makeup as possible. Then I lost 30 lbs, cut my hair and stopped coloring it, and started with the makeup again. Tried Bare Minerals and like the blush and eye shadows but not the makeup itself. Normally use Revlon base, Cover Girl mascara, Neutrogena eyeliner, and Cover Girl lipstick. I’ll try anything!! Unfortunately, nothing works. Since I’m retired I don’t need much anyway. I found some great moisturizers from L’Oreal that I love and that’s enough. Love my OPI for toes in the summertime though!! Not a girly girl except for that. Don’t even use it on my fingernails.

  17. I used to sell Jafra, loved it, and got out of using it, thinking about going back to it. Right now I use Clinique Redness Solution. Eyeshadow, lipstick, liner, mascara is all sort of different product.

  18. Now that I am on disability and not working, I don’t wear makeup much. I still have all my Clinique to use.

  19. Bare Minerals is all I wear, easy to put on and I don’t feel like it is there which is the best feeling

  20. I wsh I had more makeup products and knew how to apply them correctly! Honestly I don’t even know what all i need. I’m so bad at applying makeup correctly

  21. I don’t really have a favorite brand, I’m more interested in the product itself. If it catches my eye, I’ll check it out and maybe buy it. Right now, I have very little reason to wear makeup so my current products will do. Oh, and I do have a lot of Avon because my daughter is a rep! 😉

  22. Love Chanel travel palettes (all in one shadow, lipstick, lip gloss, cheek & undercover cream), Clinique mascara, Chanel and MAC lipsticks, and cheap glosses since I go through so many. I pay attention to Paula Begoun, the Cosmetics Cop, and her Beautypedia reviews (sort of like Consumer Reports) because I am a mega junkie but I don’t want to waste money!

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