Late & Tired Because …

Up till 1 AM reading Cherise Sinclair’s newest, EDGE OF THE ENFORCER, this after glomming my girl Lexi Blake’s DUNGEON GAMES. #InkHeart . Neither one ever disappoints in Erotic Romance!

Edge of the Enforcer – Cherise Sinclair –
Dungeon Games – Lexi Blake –

More May read info on Saturday!

Anyone else ever stay up half the night ON a release day? Now they’re over …. Waah!

18 thoughts on “Late & Tired Because …”

  1. I was up all night reading Marie Force’s new release “Gansett After Dark.” Love it.

    • Love Marie Force. Haven’t read that one yet but did start her new series set in VT. Waiting for book 2 to come out.

      • Me too. Gansett after dark is a book that ties up loose ends on Gansett island. Not the end of the series thank goodnes.

  2. I stay up late many a night reading but erotica and paranormal aren’t my cup of tea. Give me a contemporary romance, chick lit, romantic suspense or a historical and I’m there. Love books both with cowboys and billionaires!

  3. I’m up way too late reading just about every night. I get sucked into a book after the kiddo goes to bed and then I can’t quit reading. It’s usually after 3 am when my eyes finally give up and then I get up 4 hours later to get the son up for school. It’s a terrible cycle, but one I can’t quit. 🙂

  4. There have been many nights that I have stayed up all night reading a book that I just could not put down. Luck for me I am retired and can sleep the next day.

  5. I can still remember the first time I did that, back in my early 20’s.. It was Shanna by Kathleen E Woodiwiss. I had to work on a Saturday. It was inventory and I stopped on the way home from the way home from work to get the book. It was just out and I had my dinner, got in my PJ’s and climbed into bed and starting reading. My grandma got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and saw my light was still on, she opened my door and there I was still reading. She told me to turn out the light and go to sleep.. But I read that book until I finished it.

    • Kathleen I think I did the same thing when I got Shanna. Great book. May need to re-read it.

  6. Don’t do it much any more. Did it when I was younger. Now, I fall asleep holding my Kindle. At least now I don’t lose my place in my book.

  7. Not on a release day, but I had trouble putting Nora Roberts newest ‘The Collector’ down!

  8. Oh Yes – Try to do it only on Fri or Sat night, but I’ve done it during the week and then having to get up the next morning, is a killer.

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