I’m Back & Friday Giveaway

DAFA8951-13F9-430E-90B4-6D78846DE089 copyToday is my baby’s 18th birthday. Seriously how did that happen? To celebrate I’m giving away winner’s choice of the following Carly books (ebook only):

Dare to Love
The Right Choice
Solitary Man
Midnight Angel
Perfect Partners
Truly Madly Deeply

Comment for a chance to win … WISH MY BABY A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

216 thoughts on “I’m Back & Friday Giveaway”

  1. :happybirthday2: to your baby!!!
    My baby is 40yrs young….
    Time goes by so fast…. Grab it while you can.

  2. Happy 18th Birthday! Where does the time go – seems like yesterday mine were babies – now have their own babies!!! XOXO

  3. :happybirthday2: Happy 18th Birthday to youngest daughter.

    Also, welcome back. Hope mini vacay was fun!

    Don’t enter me into the contest….already own them all in book form.

    Happy Friday!

  4. Happy Birthday! I have you have a wonderful day. Since I have all of your books, I will congratulate the lucky winner in advance. Whoever wins is a lucky lady.

  5. Happy 18th Birthday! My Baby is turning 18 May 29th. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was holding him in my arms after he was born.

  6. Happy Birthday to your daughter, and to you either a great big glass of wine for the sadness and happiness, or a nice new book, again for the sadness and happiness. Hope ya’ll have a great day.

  7. :happybirthday2: Hope she has a wonderful day! Thanks for such a fun celebration and hope everyone has a great Easter weekend!

  8. My love is 50 years old today!! Hope yours has a great 18th!! that is a special age. :angelbanana: :horn: 😛 :yourock:

  9. Your baby shares a birthday with me. Happy Birthday hope you have a really great day ! Oh to be. 18 again!

  10. Happy Birthday to your baby! My birthday is tomorrow and I will be ??? years old! Hope you all have a great weekend celebrating and a great Easter!

    :candles: :easter:

  11. Welcome back Carly!!! Don’t include me in the giveaway as I have all the books on my kindle already.

    Happy Birthday to your youngest! :happybirthday2:

  12. Happy 18th Birthday!!!! I hope you have an awesome day!! And get your mama a box of tissues! I’m sure she could use them! 😉

  13. :happybirthday3: Happy 18th Birthday! Carly I have all these and hope some one wins who have not read them! All great reads!

  14. Happy 18th Birthday to your “Baby” Wishing your family a wonderful day of celebrating the special gift of life, love and family.

  15. Happy 18th Birthday to your baby. Wishing her an awesome day & hope all her dreams come true!!

  16. Welcome back, Carly!
    And to your baby- Happy happy birthday! May it be full of fun, family, and friends!!

  17. Happy Birthday, enjoy this special day. Thank your mother too, it is also her special day. Her baby has become a young adult.

  18. :happybirthday2: :woot:
    Wishing your baby a very Happy Birthday-have lots of fun and enjoy. They do grow so fast, my baby is now 46!

  19. Happy Mother’s day to you and Happy 18th Birthday to your baby! I hope you both have a great day and weekend!

  20. Happy Birthday to your baby! Hope it’s a wonderful day! :happybirthday2:

    My baby is turning 23 in less than a month!

    Would love Dare to Love if I win.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  21. :happybirthday3: Have a wonderful 18th Birthday!! Good luck to you in all your future endeavors!
    Stay strong mom! 🙂

  22. Happy Birthday to your baby!!
    My baby turned 17 yesterday. I got to
    admit I was really emotional about it.
    Time sure flies!

  23. I keep telling mine not to have anymore birthdays cause they’re almost as old as I am! Happy 18th! Carly, before you know it you’ll be celebrating her baby’s 18th! Scary thought, huh??

  24. Happy Birthday to your baby! Don’t sweat the surprise that 18 snuck up on you, it doesn’t mean you are old! 😀

  25. :woot: Happy 18th Birthday to your baby!!

    My youngest is also 18. Where does the time go? It goes way too fast, that’s for sure 😉

  26. :hbday: :happybirthday3:
    Wishes for many, many more happy days!! Life is ahead of you — grab it by the horns!!

    :cheer: [That’s everyone over 21 toasting you; sorry!]

  27. :present: :happybirthday2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your baby 🙂 mine just turned 18 it makes me sad how fast it happened. :candles:

  28. Happy 18th Birthday to your baby. Mine turns 25 tomorrow and since his birthday is so close to Easter, I’m making him a bunny cake. When he was 3 his birthday and Easter were on the same day, the next time that happens he will be 82 and I don’t think I’ll be around to bake him a cake. lol

  29. Hope your daughter has a wonderful 18th birthday! :birthday: :candles: :happybirthday2: :woot: :yourock: :candles: :happybirthday3: :wave:

  30. Happy 18th Birthday to your daughter. My ‘baby’is 43!!! Sure don’t feel old enough for that. Enjoy because they grow up way too fast.

  31. Happy 18th birthday to your baby!!!! :happybirthday2: My baby turned 22 on the 5th. Time flies way too quickly!!! Welcome back from your travels.

  32. :happybirthday3:
    Happy Birthday to your “Baby”. Time does fly, my baby is gonna be 33 in Aug. I would love to win any of your books, and Welcome Back!!1

  33. Happy 18th Birthday! My middle son’s birthday is the 19th and he’ll be 13. So you are in good company!

  34. :happybirthday2: :happybirthday3: Kids grow up way to fast. Welcome home to you. Also Happy Easter to y’all.

  35. :happybirthday3: :birthday: :happybirthday2: :wave: :happybirthday3:
    I hope you have the most fantastic birthday ever. Have a great time with family, friends and all who love you. Happy Birthday.


    My only child is going to be 38 later this year. It doesn’t seem that she should be that old.

  37. Wishing Your Baby A Wonderful 18Th Birthday!!! I’m Waiting For Mine To Reach That Age…She’s 14 Going On 30!!!

  38. Happy birthday! Celebrate life safely. My birthday is April 22. Ideal birthday gifts are books( hints help others get you what you want).

  39. Happy 18th Birthday take the time to enjoy your experience in high school cause before you know it you will be graduating and going off to different paths than your friends.

  40. Happy birthday, baby! Today, 4/19, is my first born’s! She is twice your baby’s age, though. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN??!!

  41. Happy Birthday! Take the time to enjoy life while you are young! Hope all your wishes come true!

  42. :happybirthday3: Happy Birthday to your baby! My “baby” will be 22 next month – how time flies when you have kids! My oldest, his older sister, turned 32 last month. Enjoy the older years – it just gets better!

  43. :woot: happy Birthday you your baby. Thank you for all te reader giveaways. Love your books

  44. :happybirthday3: To Carly’s Baby Girl! BTW You look fabulous for having an 18 year old! Have a great weekend!

  45. :happybirthday2: !8th is a huge milestone for both parent and child. Celebrate your wonderful achievement!!!

  46. Happy 18th Birthday! :woot: Remember to wish big when you blow out your candles! :candles: Have a magical day! :happybirthday2:

  47. Happy 18th Birthday to your “baby.” I really like your books, Carly, and have read so many of them.

  48. Happy 18th Birthday! My “baby” boy will be 19 Sunday and he is one of the best things I’ve done in my life…my other is my oldest who is 23!

  49. Happy 18th birthday!! Legally an adult now 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful day!! And I own all of those except one Midnight Angel 🙂

  50. Happy 18th Birthday! Many more wonderful years ahead.
    I love your books and would be so happy to
    win one. Thank you for offering this chance c

  51. Happy birthday! My how time goes by…just yesterday they were little and you blink and today they are turning 18

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