I’m Back!

So I was at INDIE UNMASKED, a book signing in Indiana this past weekend. I always enjoy meeting people who’ve read me for years and bring my older books for me to sign. It’s so flattering and I really do appreciate it! I also get to do some fan girling of my own! I met R.K. Lilley, author of the Up in the Air Trilogy, something I loved during the whole Fifty/Indie explosion.


I admit to being well behaved for this one. No undo squealing LOL! Have you ever met someone you admire and made a fool of yourself? If you used to visit Plotmonkeys you’ll remember my Tom Selleck story …

6 thoughts on “I’m Back!”

  1. Welcome Back!
    Have to say I’ve never meet anyone I admire, though I’ve run into a soap star once. I was bagging her groceries. Didn’t realize who she was until she walked away. I’m not sure what I would do or how I would act if I every did meet someone I admire.
    Glad you had a good time Carly. :happybanana:

  2. We used to be in a multi-level, and I got to meet some quite well known speakers and entertainers. They were all quite nice. No one squeal worthy though!

  3. Welcome back, although I did see some fan pics on FB. We missed you, though! I get tongue-tied — as noted by how I had NOTHING to say to authors that I have met… Sigh. They were really nice, though, and held up their end of the short conversations. 🙂

  4. Welcome back! Glad you had a good time. I think if I ever met someone I truly admired I would become totally tongue-tied.

    You should think about doing your blog just once a week to take pressure off of yourself. 🙂

  5. Meeting you in San Antonio last July was quite a fan-girl moment for me! I think I succeeded in not knocking you over with excitement. 🙂

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