After a long winter and no real spring, we’re hitting 90 degrees today and it’s really humid. I don’t know  about you but days like this have me dragging. Who likes the heat? Who hates it? What’s your favorite weather?


I am working on not one but TWO surprise projects for this summer, both unrelated to the DARE books & you will still have DARE TO TOUCH, Olivia’s story in the fall!



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31 thoughts on “HEAT!”

  1. I never complain about Winter because I know how Summer can be! 😉 I absolutely HATE the high-80s and all the 90s! If I get cold in the Winter, I can put more clothes on, grab an afghan, etc. Summer? Well, one can only take off so many clothes… 😉 :hot:

  2. same weather today here in ma. 90’s, muggy; hate the muggies. don’t mind 90 degrees with DRY heat. either season, electricity goes up-oil and heat for cold or air conditioner for hot. but we are women and we will survive!! stay cool while writing

  3. Here in McCalla, Alabama, it’s HOT, HUMID and I don’t like it. Of course, going through menopause doesn’t help. I’m more like :brrr: , so bring it on. I can only take off so many clothes at the office… Right now I have a small fan going at my feet and another one hitting my face…mercy :fire:

  4. I love the heat!!! Bring. It. On. I hate the cold…I wish it would always be 75 or higher!!!

  5. I hate the heat. :flamey: I’m always hot as it is. I love the spring…about a 70 degree day. Perfect!

  6. I’m from N. TX, so I am (sort of) used to the heat, but yes, there is only so much I can take off! However, when we get cold and wet, it is usually ice, which means we are stuck at home. In summer, we can at least get a change of scenery when it is too hot and humid to do anything outside-pool, gym, library. And it is true, it is not so much the heat, as the humidity! Although my skin needs much less lotion then!

  7. Ugh…I am not a fan of the heat! It so hot and humid where I live I sweat going out to the car in teh morning :hot:

  8. I hate :hot: weather :flamey:. I would be happy if it stay 65 to 70 degrees all summer. I like snow for the holdiay’s :snowball:, but I hate it when it’s so cold I don’t want to do anything :cold:. My favorite time of the year as to be Fall :leaves: and Spring :cheerleader2:

  9. love the heat its why I now live in the Tropics! for me now 68 is freezing weather but admit when it gets into top 90’s enjoy other peoples AC lol. I’m a sunshine girl:)

  10. I don’t mind the heat, but don’t like the humidity. I’ll never forget last year at wdw, we’d get out of the car and all of our glasses would steam up in the am. Kinda funny, now.

  11. Used to love the heat until I went thru the change. Now I hate it and I live in SW Fla. Go figure! My favorite weather is 60-70 during the day and 40-50 at night. :flamey:

  12. I like it :hot: I live in Phoenix where the average summer temperature is 110 with no humidity. You’ll find me at the pool with a good book and a pitcher of frozen margaritas

  13. I love the heat but not the humidity. I love the rain we have here in WA cause that’s why we’re the Evergreen State. I’m not a fan of cold, and I don’t do winter sports. But I enjoy watching winter sports on TV because those people obviously love the winter and cold!

  14. Same here in New Hampshire. This is too hot for me, my perfect weather is 70-75 with a nice breeze 🙂 Last night was horrible it stayed in the 70s and humid, not sleeping weather at all. 🙁

  15. I dislike the bitter cold, but hate the humidity more! I will take the beautiful weather we had on Monday (70’s, clear & sunny) 365 days a year!

  16. The heat doesn’t bother me too much, I live in San Diego, so we don’t get too much humidity, and when it reaches like 75% I’m dying. I know I’m such a whimp.

  17. Yay! Surprises!! We love ’em!

    The most perfect weather for me was when we lived in Northern CA, in the Bay Area. It was temperate all year long, my “winter” coat was a suit jacket, and my heavy clothing was kept for trips back home to New England. The past few years, they have been having crazy weather like the rest of the US.

    I’m from the Northeast so know the full spectrum of the four seasons. (Hey, I was born in a “gale” snow storm; seriously!) I’ve lived in the South and know crazy-crazy-crazy weather. We’ve moved back to Southern NV and even though it is HOTHOTHOT in the summer? No humidity makes me happy. So for right now, I am happy in the dry heat.

  18. Hate Spring (allergies), double hate Summer (get headaches from the heat and the sun). My family lives in a rental that does not have central air conditioning. My son-in-law works nights so he has a portable air conditioner. Since the electric panel hasn’t been updated, we can’t use window or more portables or we would be popping circuit breakers all the time.
    We have trees, but the windows are too high in the walls to get much air into the house. So, when you think you can’t handle any more heat, think of me and the others who have air conditioning problems. That will make you more grateful about your better situation.

  19. I HATE warm weather but sadly I live in Israel and it’s hot here most of the year

    In July and August it gets so humid it’s just hard to walk down the street so taking the bus to work is very hard but we do have AC everywhere.

  20. I am not a fan of the heat!!! It is currently :hot: & humid here in Minnesota with night time storms. I love the fall with all its color as well as spring – when it comes – with the reblooming of life.

  21. I always say that if you live in the heat, you can only take so much off but if you live in the cold, the possibilities are endless 😀 I would live to live where the weather is cooler.

  22. I have winter in my blood (possibly because I’m a December baby??) but I can’t stand the heat. I hate sweating, I hate humidity….people hate me but I’m dying for snow to come back soon!

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