Healthy Food

Why is it that something that’s recommended for you as healthy doesn’t taste good? Case in point – my nutritionist suggested peppermint or Ginger tea for evenings. Aids in digestion she said. That’s assuming I can get it down. I can’t. I’ll stick with Green Tea. That’s the best I can do.

Another case in point – healthy for you bars – low sugar – low carb – Quest Bars, she said. They’re Okay … but they’re hard on my teeth. They don’t satisfy any need/craving in the afternoon I might have.

I’m just banging my head against the wall trying to eat right. I want to. I’m logging on … it’s the hunger I find difficult to deal with. I’m not craving things so much anymore. But when I am hungry at night, there’s nothing to eat that’ll get me through till morning.

Any suggestions???

18 thoughts on “Healthy Food”

  1. Have you tried Kind bars – they are mostly nuts and seeds although some have fruit too. There is a cherry and cashew with just a drizzle of dark chocolate and there is an all nut with tahitian vanilla you can see speckling the whole bar. They are pricey but you can get coupons and also they go on sale – right now one of my local grocery stores has them for $.50!!

  2. Oh Carly I have seen a nutritionist for years and the best I have come up with is Pure Protein bars. My carb counter/ calorie police person says as long as you stay under 15grams of carbs and over 15 grams of protein you are good. The double choc. crunch vanilla is amazing!!!

  3. Popcorn is my go to in the evenings. You can air pop it or there are some more “natural” types that you can get that are in the microwave section. I can eat that in the evening and not be hungry until morning.

  4. Take your green tea add ginger(dry or fresh) & a touch of honey( it kills the ginger taste. If using fresh place it in the water with honey while boiling strain and steep the green tea. Make your own granola with items you like it is easy and there are hundreds or recipes out there. I use steel cut Irish oatmeal personally because I feel it stands up the best but as long as it isn’t instant it is fine. The secret to eating healthy is everything in moderation and eat as natural as possible. This means real butter, pure olive or coconut oil, dark chocolate, local honey or agave for sweeteners and NO GMO foods. Hope this helps.

  5. When my stomach seems a bit off I brew a cup of green tea & add the mint tea bag (both together) and the mint isn’t as strong, but it sure helps my stomach settle down. I love Fiber 1 bars, only 90 calories & they taste good.

  6. Hi Carly, A few others have mentioned it The KIND Bars. They do the trick for me. I get mine through QVC. They do a good amount and the price is including shipping. Much better than buying in stores because yes they are pricey. but healthy and yummy!

  7. My favorite snacks are all nut related. As mentioned above, I like the KIND bars. My favorite is Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt. I can actually find these at Walmart.They are $4.74 for a box of 4 at my Walmart.

    I also love the LaraBar Uber Roasted Nut Roll. This flavor is no longer available at my Walmart, so I wait for them to go on sale at Kroger and then stock up. A 5pk will go on sale for $4.99, but are a little over $7 regular price.

    Also, pistachios are a great snack. If I’m still hungry after a meal, I will eat a handful of pistachios.

    I hope you find some snacks that you like. I don’t like feeling hungry all the time either. The nuts seem to help me stay full.

  8. Try Yogi Ginger tea and do not make it really strong. It will definetly help your stomach. If you drink a cup of water with 1 teaspoon of organic vinegar 2 x a day your stomach should feel better.

  9. No suggestions because I can’t stand a lot of the good things to eat. Don’t forget the price. Almost all of the good things are expensive. Therefore, I’m eating mostly tasty things

  10. I find yogurt very filling – I usually have Activia because it helps my stomach too. Or a glass of wine keeps me from being hungry for some reason. And nuts are very healthy too.

  11. My food is usually garbage (not really…lol), but not uber healthy. I also find if I’m hungry, I’ll drink a light lemonade or water and that helps. Water with lemon is my favorite. I was able to kick my diet coke habit with water (with lemon) and light lemonade. I call it a ‘win’.

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