22 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day!”

  1. Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers out there. I am the proud mother of 4 boys. Celebrating the joys of being a mom today.

  2. Happy Mother’s Day to you too plus all your readers who post today.
    Spent the day with my siblings yesterday and some of our families going through the last of mom and dad’s pictures that we took from their apartment after he died in December 2012. Lots of reminiscing and laughter!

  3. Missing my mom on Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day to all. I hope that you all have wonderful days.

  4. Happy Mother’s Day to every one here and all Mother’s. My mom is in heaven, but every mother not present knows that we love them. :mothersday:

  5. Many have said {okay, MOST!] I’m a real “mutha”, but Happy Mother’s Day to those who truly are Moms!

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