319 thoughts on “First Friday Giveaway!”

  1. Awesome news!! There is nothing more special to a high school student than getting that letter saying you have been accepted to that college you dreamed of attending! Way to go!!!!!

  2. Great news! My son just graduated from Penn State UPark in December. That place changed his life, and mine too. Enjoy the ride!

  3. Congratulations on getting in to Penn State! May you future be be so bright you have to wear shades!!!

  4. Congratulations to you and your daughter! That is awesome. Thank you for you wonderful stories and this great giveaway, too. Happy Friday!!

  5. It’s hard as a WVU Mountaineer to wish congratulations to a Penn State Nittany Lion, but I hope she enjoys her college years! :~)

  6. How wonderful for your daughter! Heading off to college is such an adventure. Study hard but be sure to have fun too. Keeping those two things well balanced is a huge part of maturing.

  7. Congrats to your daughter. Penn State is not easy to get into and is absolutely a very prestigious school. Crossing my fingers that she does well and enjoys herself at the same time (although not too much enjoyment….)

  8. Congratulations! We just did the college acceptance thing last year, so I understand the excitement. Enjoy!

  9. Congratulations for getting into Penn State!! May you remember all your parents have taught you, make wise choices, but still have a little fun, and follow your heart wherever that may lead you.

  10. Congratulations, young lady, on this first step of the next part of your educational career! How exciting and fabulous the future is for you – the possibilities are endless! Relish your youth, enjoy your moments, and take great pride in every achievement!
    Congratulations to you, Carly! I know it’s a huge accomplishment for you, too! Way to go!! *high five*

  11. Congrats on your daughter attending Penn State! I know you are so proud of her. I love reading your books so much, please enter me in the contest. Thank you for the giveaway.

  12. Congratulations! “We are… Penn State!” I’m not a PSU alum, I just know that’s their thing to say! My BFF’s husband is an alum; they had a groom’s cake of the Nittany Lion at their wedding.

  13. Congrats on Penn State. I am just dreaming of how many books I can buy with that gift card. Smiling. Good luck everyone.

  14. Congrats to your daughter, this is wonderful news. You will miss her I am sure. My son Graduated last year from EKU and I missed him the whole time he was away at college. I entered under the name of Virginia.

  15. Congrats on your daughter getting into Penn State. My daughter will be heading off to college in another year.

  16. Congrats to you Ms. Phillip’s on getting into Penn St. It takes a lot of hard work to get into college you must be so proud of yourself! Good luck study, study, study but also have a little fun (not to much though)!

  17. Congrats on College =). My son is at Oregon State this year and doing great but hates dorm life, lol. Next year is an apartment and he’ll be happier. Three big boys in one small room is tough… I get your newsletter already Carly and I check your blog daily so I don’t need to sign up for more emails in my clogged box ;-). Good luck to all!

  18. Congratulations! She will enjoy this new stage in her life. Now you can congratulate yourself for raising such wonderful and responsible children.

  19. Congrats! To you Mom Be proud! To the daughter enjoy these years you’ll learn many things Education is a wonderful thing! Both in Life and in Studies 🙂

  20. Congrats to your daughter being accepted into Penn State. What a fabulous achievement. I also love, love, love your books

  21. Congrats to your daughter. Such exciting times, I remember them well. Seems like yesterday but my son graduated from Washington University in St Louis last May and started his full time job – in his field – in October. He had the job offer in hand and signed back last January and they held the job until October.

    Is your daughter planning to attend Penn State or is another school her first choice?

  22. Congratulations to your daughter…hard work, perseverance, and great parents have helped guide her and achieve her dreams…

  23. Congratulations to your daughter on such an awesome achievement!!! And congratulations to you as a mom! It’s so amazing to watch our children succeed!!

  24. Congrats, Wow Penn State you all must be so proud, of both your children one getting out of college and one going in that is great.

  25. Congrats to your daughter as she sees all her years of hard work paying off by getting into Penn State.

  26. Congrats to your daughter!! College is such an awesome time and Penn State is a wicked good school, I hope she has a blast the next few years and I wish her all the luck in the world!!

  27. Congratulations to your daughter for not only deciding to go to college when it seems like so many youth are not taking that opportunity anymore, and for also getting into a good college!!!! I know you must be so proud of her as well!!

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