Excercise Update

Not sure if I mentioned it but around June I started going to a trainer 2x a week. Two months later, I added a nutritionist. I cut most carbs and nearly passed out during detox … and kept to low sugar. My goal wasn’t to lose weight. I said to the nutritionist, I want to be healthy. I’m here because if I’m working out, I want to eat better. But I’ve tried so many diets and tried cutting things and that’s not me. Fast forward and it’s November. I’ve lost almost 8 pounds (which is fabulous for me) and my body is definitely changing. :happybanana:

I have NEVER stuck to an exercise routine before in my life. Never stuck to a diet. I’m very proud of myself and I hope this lasts. I intend to try! Feel free to share your stories!

14 thoughts on “Excercise Update”

  1. I don’t exercise (unless you count daily walks with my dog) but I do eat healthy (or I try to). Because of some health issues few years back I had to cut fat, salt, alcohol, milk, and bunch of other stuff from my life. But I do choose to walk whenever I can (leaving car at home to go to the store and on other errands).

  2. I joined the YMCA in April and have been trying to go to classes at least 3-4 times a week. I’va also tried to cut back how much I eat and track everything using the Lose It app. My body is definitely in better shape and I’ve lost maybe 4 pounds.

  3. I don’t like to exercise, but we bought a Wii machine a few years ago and I love using it. It doesn’t feel like exercise and that helps me do it every day.

  4. Good job! I joined a gym about a year ago, but only started going regularly in the spring. Some friends convinced me to come to some of the classes, some of which are taught by a mutual friend. We notice when on us is missing. Also, my husband’s company has a program designed to encourage a healthier lifestyle. One of the offerings was a program called Naturally Slim. I went through that and learned (or was reminded) about things like how portion size matters, what sugar does to the body, basically how to eat smarter. I lost weight over the 10 weeks, now I just need to stay with the good habits.

  5. that is great; think we all understand weight issues and how over time it has crept up on us. now we are over 40, 50 or 60 and the “duh” factor arrives. last year cut out all carbs and lost 12 lbs. then went to delaware to visit the granddaughters and oops creeping up. yr passes; my companion position ends when she is moved to asst living/alzheimers unit and weight starts creeping up again. then visit to delaware over col. weekend and ran after a 3-yr-old on the boardwalk, missed meals and came home couple pounds off. now walking 2 miles 3x/wk and eating big salad before dinner and lost 5 lbs since my trip. so keep up the great work-slowly the pounds shed. my goal is to surprise my son and dil on our “hopefully, weather permitting” trip to de. on christmas with “you look like you lost weight”. unfortunately, 5 lbs doesn’t show on me!! keep the update going so we all can work together on our losses.

  6. I walk 3-4 x a week, strength training with a trainer 1x a week (I can’t work it in more :(), and yoga twice a week. My body is changing, but I can’t seem to shake the weight. I’m just trying to get healthy, too. It’s a process for me.

  7. It’ hard to stick to a diet. God knows I have tried them all, but now I have to watch my sugar..and this is the hardest of all.

  8. OMG! So proud for you!! If I had the means, I would do what you are doing but for now, I’ll try to watch what I eat and exercise on my own. I know, not the optimum, but it’s better than not. Fingers continually crossed for you!!

  9. Great Job Carly!! Keep up the great work. :cheerleader2:
    3 years ago I “woke up” from multiple brain surgeries and discovered that I had let myself go. I weighed almost 300 lbs. and I was a smoker, using Chantix I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago. I started exercising every day that I could and changed my eating habits. To date I have lost 92 lbs. My doctors and husband are so proud, but I’m not done yet :cheese:

  10. Great job. Stay the course. It seems to be working fabulously.

    I need to do something for health reasons. This may be the incentive I need.

    Thanks for sharing. :alien: :cheerleader2:

  11. Congrats! Yay for you! Our family joined the brand new YMCA that they built 5 minutes from house. Hubby and I go and walk 3 1/2 miles in just under an hour 2 – 3 times a week. Some days it is really hard going but afterwards I always feel better.

  12. One time I cut out just pop (gallons of ginger ale) and lost about 10 lbs…which was kind of scary actually! I’m not excessively heavy, but at the start of the summer I decided for myself I needed to lose some weight and eat better (I love candy and chips, lol). I am eating way better now…I eat when I’m hungry, and I’m conscious of what I eat but don’t go crazy either way. Walk at least 6km a day at a very brisk pace (I will never be a runner), go to Curves when the weather is too rotten to walk even though I do not enjoy it as much, lol. I’ve lost about 30lbs and feel great 🙂 It’s funny though when I look in the mirror I don’t see it, but others do and my clothes sure do.

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