138 thoughts on “Enter to win a DARE TO TOUCH e-ARC”

  1. I would definitely leave a review! <3 I'm starting at book blogging and I will post the review on my blog and on Amazon as well. <3

  2. I would love to receive an ARC to read to leave an honest review of. I have loved all of your books that I have read.

  3. i would love to review this book! I have really enjoyed the rest of this series and have been waiting not so patiently for this next one 🙂 is be willing to review on Amazon, GR and BN since I’m frequently on all three.

  4. I would post a review on Amazon, Goodreads and Barnes & Noble in a Heartbeat. Love your books. Good luck Everyone!

  5. I would love an ARC of Dare to Touch!
    This is a fabulously hot series!!!
    I would defiantly love to give this a honest review.

  6. If I receive an ARC of DARE TO TOUCH, I would most definitely leave you a review on AMAZON! I am part of another group for ARC and it is amazing. I like being able to help others to decide that they NEED to buy a book!! LOVE the DARE series!

  7. Love this series and YES I would leave an honest (LOL) review. Hard not to love your books though, just sayin’!! :cheerleader2:

  8. I would definitely leave a review. So excited about the new book. Thanks for the chance to win. :christmastree3:

  9. Thank you for the chance! Yes, I would review book. Looking forward to reading. :merrychristmas: :christmastree2: :rudolph: :snowman:

  10. I will definitely leave a honest review. I don’t think it does the author or other readers any justice if the review is not honest.

  11. Thanks for the chance – I try to always post reviews they’re not always right away but I do get them done :elf:

  12. I have been doing reviews on Amazon, B&N and Goodreads for a year–so glad to do one for this :cheerleader2:

  13. I would leave a review– I love your books! Amazon and Goodreads are where I usually review :cheerleader2:

  14. I would love to leave a review. It would be a great gift to myself as well for this is the true month of giving. :merrychristmas: :wreath: :yourock: :santa2:

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