Dog Days


We admit it. We find it difficult to relax. I mean, look at us. We have a very rough life. Before we stretch out and really let ourselves sleep, we wanted to tell you a few things:

1. KISMET is now FREE in eBook

We don’t understand. We want Carly to earn money to keep us in dog biscuits. But she feels she should offer one of her books to readers who haven’t had a chance to read her books and see how great she is (our words, not hers) – there’s a preview of DARE TO LOVE in the back of KISMET so if you like that book, you can buy. And keep us in dog biscuits.

                                                                                                  iBooks     Kindle  

                                                                                                   Coming Soon at BN and KOBO

2. Ana’s Attic Still has Carly’s DARE TO DESIRE Book Video and Giveaway going on! CLICK HERE to view and for a chance to win the following prizes: an Advanced eCopy of Dare to Desire, 1 of 2 $5 Amazon Gift Cards, an eCopy of Dare to Love, an email Interview with me!

3. GOOGLE PLAY – Android users! Carly’s books are now available on this new Platform! You can read on your Android Phone or tablet.  (Working on getting KISMET free there too!)  CLICK HERE!

And lastly, we want to tell you what Carly’s busy with right now!

1. The copy edits are finished on Alex’s story, DARE TO DESIRE and Carly’s reading and proofing for the last time.  Then she says it’s on to formatting and ARC time!

2. DARE TO LOVE in AUDIO is also in final stages and being proofed before being put on sale!  Apparently a lot of you like to listen to your stories? So coming very soon.

3. YAWN. Sorry.  We’re supposed to remind you that Carly has two books up for PREORDER …. DARE TO DESIRE 4/10/14 (at iBooks and Amazon) and DARE TO SURRENDER  7/15/14 (at iBooks).  Also supposed to tell you not to panic, that these books will be available in all formats including print on release day. Audio too but maybe a bit later in the release month.  All PREORDER LINKS are HERE.  

Whatever that means.  We’re just dogs. 

And now we’re REALLY TIRED. But our job isn’t finished.  We’re supposed to ask you something … we’re trying to remember what that was.  So talk about whatever you want. Carly will stop by and say hi and answer.  Woof. :snoopydance:

20 thoughts on “Dog Days”

  1. It makes thus winter easier to get through when we have you to delight us with your blog each day.

  2. Bailey and Brady,
    You guys did a great job. Now, go find a nice, warm spot to take a snooze.

  3. thanks for the ebook, tell the dogs we luv em and the treats this time are for your readers..

  4. I love the post & love hearing from your pups. Already own Kismet. Read it & loved it!!! Can’t wait for the next installment in the Dare series. :snoopydance: :dog:

  5. Bailey and Brady I think you did a great job.

    You should be in supremo dog biscuits for a long time. :snoopydance:

  6. Awww, give the puppies a biscuit for such a great post! Thanks for Kismet – just got my free copy. It’s currently 26 on Amazon’s bestseller list, and 12th on the romance bestseller list. Yay! :yourock:

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