Dare to Touch Countdown Giveaway

Giveaway Celebration: 7 DAYS until DARE TO TOUCH … 7 countdown teasers –

Get to know & love Dylan Rhodes w/DYLANISMS!

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Dare to Touch Teasers - GazePREORDER at #iBooks You know you want to!

iBooks – http://bit.ly/DTTiBooks

Available in Kindle/Nook/GPlay/Kobo/Print on 1/13/15!

7 more sleeps!

COMMENT – 1 – $10 #iBooks Gift Card up for grabs …

44 thoughts on “Dare to Touch Countdown Giveaway”

  1. Sounds like a great character! And whoever belongs to those eyes…. Whew! [fans self] Can’t wait for order info to come up for other vendors!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

  2. I foster homeless books. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it…..lol
    Since a lot of the country is cold and getting snow, here’s a snow joke.
    What is the difference between snowmen and snow women?????? Snowballs :snowman:
    Stay warm everyone!!

  3. Funny – just read a book that had Veraisms in it. Must be a new trend.
    Love the look of Dylan. It feels warmer than the 9 degrees it is here all of a sudden.

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