Giveaway Celebration: 7 DAYS until DARE TO TOUCH … 7 countdown teasers –
Get to know & love Dylan Rhodes w/DYLANISMS!
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PREORDER at #iBooks You know you want to!
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Available in Kindle/Nook/GPlay/Kobo/Print on 1/13/15!
7 more sleeps!
COMMENT – 1 – $10 #iBooks Gift Card up for grabs …
Yeah! I am excited to read it! Happy Tuesday!
:wave: Can’t wait!
I can’t wait to read this book! :cheerleader2:
WOW! I can’t wait to read this one. What color are his eyes?
Cannot wait! Love this series ❤️
:snoopydance: Yay!
Can’t wait 😀
Looking forward to it!
Good morning Carly,
I look forward to reading Dare to Touch!
Thank you,
Ginger :brrr:
Can’t Wait! :newyear:
I can’t wait to get my hands on it and read it. Such an awesome series.
I can’t wait for “Dare To Touch”!!!
I can’t wait to read this book!!
already preordered. cant wait
:mickeymouse: very cool :mickeymouse:
Sounds like a great character! And whoever belongs to those eyes…. Whew! [fans self] Can’t wait for order info to come up for other vendors!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
YAY! :woot:
Cannot wait to start reading. Thanks loved all the others in the series so am sure to love this one.
Love the teaser, can’t wait!!!! :wave:
Love the teaser, and those eyes!!
:christmas1: OMG I can’t wait!!!
Very excited to read Dylan’s book!
Looking forward to it! :angelbanana: :bwhip:
Interesting teaser
Cannot wait! :snoopydance:
Can’t wait
Looking forward to Dylan and Olivia’s story:)
I foster homeless books. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it…
Since a lot of the country is cold and getting snow, here’s a snow joke.
What is the difference between snowmen and snow women?????? Snowballs :snowman:
Stay warm everyone!!
Dare to Touch Countdown Giveaway via @carlyphillips
Can’t wait to read it :brrr:
I can’t wait for another one of your awesome books Carly. Thanks for being there for us readers and keeping us wanting to read.
YAY!!! Can’t wait!! :snoopydance:
Can’t wait.
Can’t wait to read this book!
so ready :boxing:
:brrr: So great …hate the cold
This has been sitting on my “coming soon” bookshelf for months!! Counting down the days!
Funny – just read a book that had Veraisms in it. Must be a new trend.
Love the look of Dylan. It feels warmer than the 9 degrees it is here all of a sudden.
Hot hot books, thanks :woot: