The winner of yesterday’s $10 iTunes Gift Card is Lydia Mazza!
Lydia please email me to claim your prize!
carly phillips books @ gmail . com (no spaces)
5 DAYS until DARE TO TOUCH Releases!
PREORDER at iTunes & bring Dylan home with you!
click to enlarge graphic
Exclusive Preorder –
Available in Kindle/Nook/GPlay/Kobo/Print on 1/13/15!
5 more sleeps!
COMMENT – 1 – $10 #iBooks Gift Card up for grabs …
Brr. it’s cold outside. good day to be inside reading.
Can’t wait to read this one. Thanks for the chance.
It’s cold down here in Texas. I need to be at home by the fire reading your books! Can’t wait to read this new book!!!!
Dare to Touch 5 Day Countdown Giveaway via @carlyphillips
Can’t wait to get it :lips:
Can’t wait for this one. A good day to still inside and read.
like everyone else-can’t wait-120 hrs and counting
:brrr: I need something to warm me up.
Am really enjoying the book I just started reading! 😉
Can’t wait to read Olivia’s story.
Congrats, Lydia! And in my house, we say go-to-beds… :glasses:
Great day to stay inside and enjoy a great read
So excited to read this!!
Carly you must be so excited to get this book out there! Like sending a kid to college; glad they’re gone, sad they won’t be just yours anymore. Well I’m excited about this book finally coming out. Can’t wait!
I look forward to reading Dare to Touch
I wish I was home, snuggled up on the couch, with a warm blanket, good book, and hot cocoa with lots of whipped cream…sigh…instead I’m working. :groan:
Getting excited!
I would love to win, I want to snuggle in my bed and read your book.
still fun & artic cold here== :coffee:
I would just like to hibernate with a good book
will be home recouperting from knee surgery for the next few days — sneaky way to stay out of the cold! have lots to read…let’s see how much i get done. :snowball:
Very Nice, thanks.
Can’t wait!! It’s almost here!!
Awesome! Have been snuggling under a blanket to read in this cold weather. 😀
Windy, 60’s* tolerable, working!
Wow hot pc, tpcant wait :yourock:
:cold: It’s to cold! Brrr… my cat meows in protest. It’s been in the single digits here. Can’t wait for spring! :pray: