Dare to Surrender Teasers

Today begins a big DARE TO SURRENDER PREORDER blog blitz. That means you’re going to see a lot of mentions, or at least I hope you will.  Here I’m going to give you a small teaser and some great information. DARE TO SURRENDER is available for PREORDER IN PRINT! This is a first for me. Usually it’s just eBook on Amazon and iBooks. Of course I love my Nook and Kobo readers too and I apologize that you can’t preorder.  But you can buy the book the day it goes on sale. OK because I love you all, I’m giving you TWO teasers! Click on the graphic to enlarge if you can see them clearly.

DARE TO SURRENDER – available everywhere eBooks are sold on July 15th!

DtoSTeaserKitten DtoSGabeTEaser



Kindle – http://amzn.to/1kHRscw
iBooks – http://bit.ly/1o0hk6V
Print – amzn.to/1kjgKc5

So … what do you think of GABE so far?




14 thoughts on “Dare to Surrender Teasers”

  1. :cheerleader2: :cheerleader2: :cheerleader2: :cheerleader2:
    Pre-ordered my print copy yesterday!

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