Dare to Surrender ARC Winner

Well, it was a long, exciting, proud weekend. My oldest is now a college graduate. OMG! :snoopydance: I just came home and I’m exhausted, so today I’m going to post the winner of the DARE TO SURRENDER e-ARC contest. I’ll also give you a GABE TEASER!

The winner is: CHERYL HASTINGS!
Congratulations Cheryl and thanks everyone for entering! Cheryl has been notified via email.

And now GABE and ISABELLE – DARE TO SURRENDER – on sale in all formats including print on July 15th! (click photo to enlarge) 

DtoSTeaserKittenIn the meantime you can preorder here:
iBooks – http://tinyurl.com/l2ky9dx

Kindle – http://amzn.to/1tyN9DL


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