DARE TO LOVE – .99 – short term sale!

DTLsalefinal To celebrate the upcoming release of DARE TO DESIRE,  DARE TO LOVE is on sale for .99 for a short time! 

 If you would like to read DARE TO LOVE (assuming you haven’t already!) … here are buy links:






 And don’t forget DARE TO DESIRE is coming on April 10th! Preorder DARE TO DESIRE  in case I haven’t mentioned it enough (and I really do appreciate your patience with the promo):

A hint into Alex’s POV in Dare to Desire …

Long after Madison left, he lay awake, running the night over in his head.  One thing was clear.  This woman owned him, and she had no damned clue.  @CP Publishing, 2014

Kindle Preorder

iBooks Preorder


If you’ve read DARE TO LOVE, what was your favorite scene in Ian and Riley’s story?

5 thoughts on “DARE TO LOVE – .99 – short term sale!”

  1. :clap: I have already read and enjoyed “Dare To Love”, (I have read it many times), but I did want to thank you for putting it on sale for others. You are so generous and kind to your fans.
    You are my favorite author and I’m SO GLAD THAT I FOUND YOU AND YOUR BOOKS THAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN!!!!
    May you and yours be Blessed.
    C.T. (Jack’s Mom) :waves:

  2. Good Monday morning Carly,

    I’m reading Dare to Love now, and thus far I am enjoying reading Ian and Riley’s story.

    I hope you have a great start to your week.


  3. Sigh. I pre-ordered but have not read yet. Who the heck makes life so busy??? :violin: But I’ll get there, I swear!

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