DARE TO … Dive in!

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2014bookreleasesI’m going to try a daily theme, so you know what to expect … and yet maybe not!  Mondays I’ll tell you what I’m workingon, what’s going on with me, etc.  Today we’ll talk about my new series DARE TO LOVE and what you can expect from me in 2014!

Now! Dare to Love – (Dare to Love # 1) out now!

April! Dare to Desire – (Dare to Love # 2) 4/10/14

July! Dare to Surrender – (Dare to Love # 3 & Invitation to Eden) – 7/15/14 (more info coming soon!)

Fall! Dare to Touch – (Dare to Love # 4) – Fall 2014, date to be announced


Perfect Stranger (e-novella) – out now!

Perfect Together (# 3 Serendipity’s Finest) – 2/4/14


I’m currently writing DARE TO DESIRE,  the second book in my new series, DARE TO LOVE.  I hope you’ve all read book 1, DARE TO LOVE, Ian and Riley’s story.  If not (I won’t ask why not), I’ll just tell you to check out their page here where you can find BUY LINKS, Excerpts, and Reviews to tempt you! And may I add, the fabulous, NY Times bestseller  H.M. Ward called DARE TO LOVE “One of my favorite reads this year.”

What’s next? DARE TO DESIRE is Alex’s story.  Alex is my playboy football hero. He’s hot.  He’s sexy.  He’s charming … and he’s … Well what’s his story?

daretodesireQuarterback Alex Dare, had it all — an all-star football career and his choice of willing women — until injury forces him into early retirement. When he is offered a ground-breaking position with a rival team, he’s intrigued, but there’s a catch. He’ll be working alongside the same woman he callously hurt when she got too close for comfort. Social worker Madison Evans grew up in foster homes and knows what it means to have-not. She isn’t impressed by Alex Dare’s wealth or charm. Not since she fell hard for him once before, only to discover she was just one of his too-easy conquests.

This time around Madison refuses to succumb to Alex so easily. But Alex wants Madison. And if there is one thing Alex does well, it’s to get what he wants. Can he convince Madison to take a risk and dare to love?




To answer other questions:

~ DARE TO DESIRE will be available in all ebook formats on the day of release: 4/10/14.  Other online sites don’t allow for preorder for Indie authors, although I hope to have an iBooks preorder link for you soon. 

~ DARE TO DESIRE will be available in paperback on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.com the same way Dare to Love is available in paperback.

~ BOOKSELLERS & LIBRARIANS – I am working very hard on trying to increase my distribution for you.  I hope to have news soon!


20 thoughts on “DARE TO … Dive in!”

  1. Good Morning, I’m loving this new blog. Keep it up and I can’t wait for Alex and Madison’s story. But first I’m looking forward to Perfect Together!

    Did I read correctly, you’re also going to do a book for Tessa in the Serendipity series?


  2. Hi, Franci! I’m so glad you love the blog. I wondered how it would go over! I was going to write Tess’ story when I was still working with my publisher. Unfortunately as of right now, I’m not planning on more Serendipity books but that could always change in the future!

  3. I also love your new blog. IT was so nice to meet it when I was checking my KINDLE this AM while waiting for my first cup of coffee. So Thank You For The GREAT Start…..also, I’m excited about the DARE series. YES, I have pre-ordered the next book. I did that in December.

    HAVE an outstanding day…..

  4. Carly, I just loved Dare to Love and I am so looking forward to the rest of the books that are coming out.. I have to get Perfect Stranger and get the other up coming books on my kindle..
    What did you love most about writing Dare to Love?

    Smiles and have a good day.

  5. I loved the freedom of writing without worrying about length. I’m a tight writer naturally and so getting the Serendipity books as long as they were was always a challenge. These books left me free to write – get the heat, the wanting … I think I just “worried” less about things!

  6. Hi Carly, I just checked your book list and realize that I have read all of your books so far. The first one in Nook format is Dare to Love. I cannot wait for the next book in the series. At least while I am waiting, I can read Perfect Strangers on February 4th. Keep writing and I will keep reading your books and sharing them with my girlfriends. Through the years, I have gotten a lot of them hooked on reading, but that is a good thing. 🙂

    Have a Great Day!!! Love this Dare To … Dive In blog.

  7. Hi Carly,
    Great blog….I have to say can’t get enough of your books…Love love Ian and Riley…the stare across the room was just electrifying….so keep this series as hot as Dare to Love was…your were just burning those pages up…I can’t wait for Perfect Together….Now with this cover you have for DARE TO DESIRE! This is a book I just will wait patiently until it comes in PB it’s a HOT cover and just need in my hands, like I have DARE TO LOVE….I love Alex and can’t wait to read his story…
    Love your writing….take care….xoxo

  8. Hi Carly,
    Great blog….I have to say can’t get enough of your books…Love love Ian and Riley…the stare across the room was just electrifying….so keep this series as hot as Dare to Love was…your were just burning those pages up…I can’t wait for Perfect Together….Now with this cover you have for DARE TO DESIRE! This is a book I just will wait patiently until it comes in PB it’s a HOT cover and just need in my hands…I love Alex and can’t wait to read his story…
    Love your writing….take care….xoxo

  9. Love the new blog!. Just ordered a new Kindle my first and waiting for delivery I have a list of books waiting to order. Crazy they won’t let you order without a kindle..or the app! Looking forward to more of the Dare Series!

  10. I love the new blog also. I loved Ian and Reilly’s story and am looking forward to Alex! How is it that I missed “Perfect Stranger”?. Guess I’ll go buy it. 🙂 Love your books!

  11. Just saw that Perfect Stranger was in Hot Summer Nights. Thanks for the information. I have that book already. You just saved me from purchasing a duplicate.

  12. I pre-ordered Perfect Together a while ago and I’m waiting to read it. My husband is having cataract surgery on Feb. 4. Guess what I’ll be reading while I’m waiting for him.

  13. Hey Carly =)
    I just wanted you to know I’ve read all of your Serendipity/Finest series and your Dare To Love is the best of all your books. If this is what happens when you go indie, then push on girl because it’s GOOD! Thanks so much for blogging again…I’ve missed you.

  14. Oh Carly, what you’ve done! I thought I had a really good NY resolution and you start putting out more books. My resolution is toast. I am purchasing your books and reading them before I read anything else in the 14 pages of book titles to read on my Kindle. Luckily I’m going on vacation in April so maybe I’ll catch up on the others then. Oh, NO, WAIT . . . you have another book coming out in April! I loved Dare to Love and can’t wait for Dare to Desire. Keep ’em coming. AND, love the blog!

    • Oh, Caryn, I thought I was bad with 10 pages of books on my Kindle. My kindle is dying and it should be replaced today. I got it in 2009 and the battery needs recharged daily. They don’t make batteries for it anymore.

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