Dare to Desire GIVEAWAY!

Alex and Madison’s story is written, edited, proofed and formatted.  Ready for all of you in less than one month, April 10, 2014!  I’m so so excited and I want to share them with you too.  So I’m giving away 5 ADVANCED e-Reading COPIES!!!! To be clear, that’s 5 e-Copies – to read on your  e-Reader, tablet, smart phone or computer.


320 thoughts on “Dare to Desire GIVEAWAY!”

  1. :wave: I would like a Kindle version. Thank you for the giveaway! I can’t wait for Dare to Desire!

  2. Looking forward to reading! Kindle or Nook version please (and Thank You!!) – Either will work for me 🙂

  3. Epub, since my ebook reader is a general one. Kindle would be fine as well, but I’d have to read it on my laptop which isn’t always ideal 😛

  4. Wow thanks for having this great giveaway. Love your books. Cannot wait for Dare to Desire. I use a Nook.

  5. i would love to win one, can’t wait to read it. i have a kindle and just bought it so slowly filling it up,lol

  6. Thank you for the chance to win!!!! I love all your books and I can’t wait for Dare to Desire to come out!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Looking forward to reading this story.

    If I win, I would like to have a Kindle version, please. Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. :woot: Taking care of your FRIENDS and FANS again!! You are so sweet and good to us.

    I have a Kindle….

  9. Thank you for this opportunity. I love your books. I would prefer Mobi. Thanks again. :readthebook:

  10. I love free books! And I can do Kindle, Nook, or iBook. 🙂 because I love books! Free or otherwise. 🙂

  11. :yourock: Would love to read the Kindle version! Thanks for all your giveaways!! Happy Friday!!

  12. I have enjoyed all of your books so far and look forward to reading this one too. If I’m lucky enough to win a copy, I’d like a kindle format please.

  13. :yourock: :woot: I would love to win a copy of this for my Kindle. I am so spoiled with my Kindle that it is too hard for me to pick up a book anymore. lol Love your give a-ways & looking forward to when it’s my turn to win. Thanks for all you do for your fans.

  14. I read on my computer, so pdf, I do have a nook, but I have so many books (ok maybe I am a book- a- holic.. so what. thanks

  15. Thank you for the chance. If I were to win, kindle (mobi) would be the best format. Love you Carly! :present:

  16. Hi Carly,

    Thank you for the chance to win!! I would like a kindle version please. Love everything you write!

  17. I loved Dare to Love and cannot wait to read Dare to Desire!!! I would like the Nook version, please (& thank you…)

  18. Would really love to win. Thanks a lot for the giveaway. Both Kindle and ePub format is great for me. 😀 😀

  19. Love all your books. I’m a series girl, I get too attached to the characters, and want to know what happens with everyone 🙂

  20. I’d love to win, Carly! I’d do kindle or epub 🙂 Thanks for the chance! Have a great weekend!

  21. I loved the first book in the Dare series & can’t wait to read this one. Your books are awesome filled with strong characters & great story lines that pull you in. I would like a kindle copy & thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  22. If I win I would want the e-book to go on my Nook Tablet. Thanks for the change at the giveaway!

  23. It’s pre-ordered & I can’t wait!!! Already entered the contest too. TGIF Carly!!! :snoopydance:

  24. I would love a Kindle copy, but I would take it in any format and find a way to read it. :heart: :snoopydance:

  25. Happy Friday…….Have a great weekend everyone!
    Would love to get this book.Thanks Carly for a chance of winning.. Kindle or kobo

  26. I am looking forward to the release of your new book. I enjoy reading your books and getting to know the characters. I appreciate the giveaway. Thank you. I feel the need to dance.

  27. Hi Carly,
    thank you so much for the chance at such a great contest. if i won i would prefer either a PDF.file or an EPUB.file, whichever is easier for you will be fine.
    thanks again.

    tammy ramey

  28. I :heart: :heart: :heart: this series
    Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve had this on my “To Purchase” since I read Dare To Love :yourock:

  29. Thanks for the giveaway!!! Should I be lucky enough to win ~ I would like my copy to be in the Kindle format.

  30. Loved the first book waiting somewhat impatiently for the second one!! And I use Kindle! Thank you for the giveaway!

  31. Thank you for the giveaway. If I should be lucky enough to win, I would want the kindle version please.

  32. Love the first book! Can’t wait for Dare to Desire! Thank you for holding this giveaway! If I’m chosen, I’d love it in kindle format for amazon!

  33. can’t wait! if I am able to get it in pdf format, I’d really appreciate that format over the others. I hope that you have a great weekend!

  34. I’m a spoiled brat, I have book a Nook Color and a Kindle Fire HD. But my preference would be for the Kindle!
    Thank you.

  35. If I’m lucky to win, I would like the kindle format for this book! Thank you! Love this series! 🙂

  36. Hi Carly,
    Thank you for the chance at such a great contest. i would love to win the book. :pray: if i did i usually prefer either a PDF.file or an EPUB.file, whichever is easier for you will be fine. thank you again and enjoy your weekend. :snoopydance:

    tammy ramey

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