Dare to Desire – Audio

CarlyPhillips_DTD AudioI’ve realized I can’t always be witty and have something energizing to say daily. I do the best I can. So for today you’ve got a heads up: DARE TO DESIRE is coming out in Audio within the next few weeks!  I’ll be sure to post BUY links when I have them.

In the meantime, the dogs say hi!

What Blog topics would you guys like to hear from me?




11 thoughts on “Dare to Desire – Audio”

  1. I always wondered how do authors pick their covers? Are they made for each book individually or do you use stock pictures and customize them to your book? And how long does it take you too pick the perfect cover picture? 🙂

  2. I’d love to hear about how you come up with ideas for your books. Plus I always wonder what your writing process was. :scratch:

  3. Would love to know how you choose to write a series and determine how many books and stories to tell. Also how you’re writing process is different for a series vs a stand alone book.

  4. Do authors okay the person reading their book? Sometimes the reader just isn’t right….

  5. Please tell the dogs my cat says, “Forget it. I’m busy ignoring the world.” :write: Or in cat-speak: Hello!

  6. When you start a series, is the total book count a given or does it progress from the characters that make themselves known to you as you are writing?

  7. I can never understand how writers can keep up with the various social media, take care of family, etc. and still find time to write. I’m retired and still don’t seem to have enough time just to read everything I want to read.

    I would be perfectly happy just to read a weekly blog from you so you can have more time for yourself and more time to write your fabulous books.

    Take some pressure off of yourself – life is too short to always be under pressure.

  8. :cheerleader2: YAY! can’t wait for audio. I love your books, but due to various medical issues audiobooks are my only way to escape.
    Thank you Carly

  9. Love your blog…even on the days when you are not having a good day. (I have not so good days, too.)I like your mix of personal and book related topics.

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