Brady’s Turn

Okay I let Bailey have her say last week.  Did you really think Brady wouldn’t demand to speak too?

IMG_2602Hi! I’m the good boy! I’m the one who snuggles in mom’s lap, next to mom, touching mom.  I’m the one she likes best. Okay probably not.  She loves us both the same and gives us equal time.  But I have how to get my time down to a science.  I’ll chew on a bone and give off the don’t come near me vibe to Bailey.  Then she goes to get some mommy time.  I leave my bone and sneak in between them.  Before I can blink, she walks away and heads for the toy I had last.  Bingo.  Mom time for me.

Mom calls me a Bully.  Not sure that’s such a nice word.  So big deal if I walk over to Bailey, who is usually laying quietly by herself, not bothering anyone, and stare.  If she ignores me, I step closer.  I keep staring.  I’ll just hover over her until she concedes either she plays with me or I’m going to start pulling on her ear so she’ll wrestle with me on the bed.

But I make up for being a “bully” by bathing her.  Mom thinks its gross.  I’ll lick inside her ear for awhile.  I think the weird girl likes it.  I have other gross habits but mom absolutely forbid me from mentioning them here.  I will say she keeps breath spray upstairs and leave it at that.

daretodesireBrady would also like to tell you that DARE TO DESIRE is now up for PREORDER at iBOOKS and AMAZON and he’d be really happy if you checked it out! The iBooks link is NEW!

Carly’s back – I’ve had 4 dogs in my lifetime.  A male Maltese who got jealous of my daughter after she was born and ended up biting, gave him to a woman who accepted him as is and loved him till the end; a male wheaten – Buddy – the light of my life and the sweetest boy ever born who we lost at 12 and a half … a male Havanese (Brady) who is also sweet but I see the little dog tendencies in him – the growling at Bailey at the steps and near the bed … and Bailey my wheaten girl who is my neurotic. 

I was wondering if you animal lovers/owners find a difference in male/female dogs … or if it’s just an individual pup’s personality?


17 thoughts on “Brady’s Turn”

  1. Morning Carly. I love these stories and learning about you while giving you a chance to learn something about your readers. I really don’t think it matters if it is a male or female pet, I think it just depends on the personality of the animal. My sister-in-law had a shitzu that was (I think) mentally disturbed and was mean to everyone except my sister-in-law, while my mother-in-law has one who is the sweetest thing. Both are females.

  2. there is a definite difference between a boy dog and a girl dog. My boy dog Rocco is a big bully to his sister Ferris. But Faris is protective of the family around strangers and other dogs.

  3. I think the difference is in the breed. We had a female lab/shepherd, Dusty, who ate everything in sight including my cell phone, pens, brillo pads, etc. Chewie and Pepper, brother sister, that we now have don’t eat anything except an occasional pen. They play together, sleep together. They have two food bowls but Chewie always lets Pepper eat first.

  4. I have had male an female dogs. Females seem to be he alpha in our house although its a female cat who is top alpha of them now. Charlie my lab bathes anyone who sits still long enough especially when he’s nervous. We call it being Charlied. At least their ears are clean!! Mine all tend to be snuggle bunnies. The cats go from playing with them to being chased by them.sometimes hourly. Wouldn’t trade any if them.

  5. I think each dog has their own personality. I do believe some breeds have a general personality, but still go by dog. I hope to get a puppy in the next year or so…as soon as my allergist clears it. Thinking about a Havanese.

  6. My two boys, Igor (Shih Tzu) and Max (Lhasa Apso whom we lost at 14 1/2), are absolutely sweethearts! Igor plays watch dog at night and baby boy during the day (he’s 7). Now my little girl, Minnie (Shih Tzu), is a bully. She will take treats away from Igor, run him off the bed or at least out of his warm spot, jump down from the couch in front of him, etc. She doesn’t growl or bite at him, just pushes him around. She’s 13 and didn’t start acting like this until Max passed… Then there are other times where the two of them will snuggle and play. I think Minnie believes she is the queen of all she surveys, particularly when she gets on the back of the couch! My furbabies are absolutely hilarious and fill me with so much love! 🙂

  7. I have had dogs my entire life. I think it depends on the breed sometimes, but not always.
    My daddy always had to have a male dog so my first try with a female was wonderful. She acted like Nana from Peter Pan but in the form of an English Springer Spaniel.
    I had a Pomeranian/ Poodle mix named BoBo He was too smart for his britches but loyal to my mom, *She inherited Bobo when I married. I think Bobo was ticked with me because I replaced him with my husband. Had 3 male labs before my Bridgette (the English Springer). Charlie was devoted and smart and took care of my first born daughter, (he was stolen at age 6) but the next 2 who were brothers must have been rolled on as pups. Not the brightest but sweet.
    Mom had a Catahula named Belle she was fierce but a gentle giant to the family. A real lady and you knew you were safe when she was around.
    I think Brady knows he is the baby and cute so he knows he can do as he wants. I also think Bailey is like me it is easier to cave in than put up much of a fight.

  8. Dog experts say that there is a difference in some behaviors between the sexes. I read this some time ago so I can’t tell you who does what. I only remember that one is more protective of family (same breeds).

  9. Morning Carly. I love dogs, but unfortunately I don’t have any. I happen to have two loveable cats :cat: and if your not familiar with cats that do give you love, but they are independent. Though I have to say they love to help me when I’m writing on the computer (they like to lay on the key board or walk across it) :woot: I do get my fill of dogs when I do dog sitting for my friends, but some day I hope to have my own Welsh Corgi 😀

  10. Growing up, we’ve typically had female dogs, so I can’t really compare the two genders. I’d want a female one, only because I’m so outnumbered in the male species in my family. lol

  11. I love your dog’s stories. My male dog is different than the female dog we previously had. They are also different breeds which could be part of it. Either way, they give us unconditional love!!! :dog:

  12. I have been around dogs all my childhood. My uncle had coonhounds, my grandparents had muts. My Dad had labs, beagles, doberman.

    Each one had their own unique quirk. The hubby and I have four dachshunds (weener dogs). And they all have their own personality.

    The oldest is my male Warlock who is a sour grumpy man. He doesn’t want the other dogs around. But oh when he wants something he turns on the charm. And if you have a balloon it’s HIS! He’s a little seal bunting it with his nose.

    The second oldest is Cynder who is a kill joy. She’s the referee. She doesn’t like the others having too much fun without her. Oh and she loves staring out the window. We call her the peeping tom.

    The third is Cynder and Warlock’s first daughter Simi.She is mild tempered, scaredy cat. Lovable, wants her belly rubbed. Though she is a jealous type.

    The last but not least is my male Rock. He is Cynder and Warlock’s second batch. He is my goofball. I cannot leave anywhere without him following. If I leave he’s at the door whining. He is always underfoot. But he does the silliest things that get me laughing.

    The two remaining pups I have also have their own behavior. Sunshine is a bully. She is a pain in the butt, obstinate, houdini. Yet when she wants she can be a total sweetheart and snuggle.

    Then there is Tabitha. She’s a small lil thing but sassy. She argued with my 15 year old over a grapefruit.He wasn’t sharing and she didn’t like that. But she gets excited when you give her praise and attention.

  13. Growing up we had male and female dogs. There was a def difference in them. Now that I’m older and it is my home I have only had females. Much easier to care for and don’t have those pesky male dog issues. Love hearing about your fur babies 🙂

  14. We have the mom, dad and a pup from a litter of 5 part chihuahuas. Our female, Chita, is super manipulative and rules the roost. The baby is a baby and our older male is very talkative! 3 very different personalities for sure! We also had a male Basset that was the light of our lives, Cosmo. Now playing happily ever after in heaven!

  15. I’ve had dogs, cats, fish, rabbits and birds. They’ve all had unique personalities and except for the bird, sex didn’t seem to matter. The bird was definitely a Daddy’s girl (even though I’m the one who took care of her.) BTW, I loved Brady’s version. He’s a sneaky little devil, isn’t he? Rosie is my only fur-baby now and in spite of the fact that she’s over 70 lbs, she loves to snuggle in my lap and sleep with me (after Dad’s left for work ’cause he yells at her for getting on the bed) where she manages to take up 3/4 of the available space :dog:

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