Blogging & Covers

When we closed doors at the Plotmonkeys Blog, there were a variety of reasons, each of us having our own personal ones. When I opened doors here, it was because I realized I wanted to just have a place to express myself, my thoughts on reading, and to just talk to my readers. I never in a million years thought so many people would come by every day. I’m just so humbled and happy. Wanted you all to know that! I also want you to know that even if I don’t reply each day, I read every single comment. Yep, each one and they all mean something to me. :hug:

So today I want to talk about my current covers. Going by DARE TO LOVE & DARE TO DESIRE … love ’em? Think the series needs a different vision on the cover? Or does it work for you? Do you like it because it SAYS CARLY PHILLIPS in a familiar way? I’m good through July but will have to start thinking about covers for ongoing books in the series, so I’m curious!Screen Shot 2014-03-19 at 10.12.51 AM

52 thoughts on “Blogging & Covers”

  1. Love rhe cover. For this series I would not change anything. I like seeing your name as it is on the cover .

  2. I think the 2 covers (Love & Desire) really compliment each other and look like a series! Dare to Surrender cover, for me, does not follow this flow. But the content is always consistently great! :cheerleader2:

  3. I love these covers, I think they are bold and catchy. I personally wouldn’t change a think, whomever designed them did a wonderful job! 😀

  4. Carly, I think the covers are great! I know I ebook it now but 6 months ago I wasn’t. These books would have have caught my eye right away! When you are at BAM looking at hundreds of books in the same genre, these would catch my eye right away. I also think of you as a standout so yes keep the style!

  5. I like these covers and I don’t think that they label you because your style has evolved over the years. Love your stories.

  6. I love the covers. I think they say “Carly ” wrote me. I am so glad you started your own blog. :dog:

  7. I think these covers are great. They stand out and your name is easy to see. The cover shows me it is a romance with a HEA. When I look for a book to read there are authors that I automatically will buy no matter what the cover looks like because I already know the style of the author but if it is a new to me author the cover really matters. If the cover is too “cute” it doesn’t ring as a hot romance. If the cover is too scary it looks like more of a thriller than HEA. My visual for the characters starts with the cover also. For instance…the cover shouldn’t have a viking on it if the hero is a handsome home town boy. I love all kinds of romance..erotic, suspense, small town series, cute and sweet…but I look for a book by looking at the covers on Amazon depending on what mood I’m in. Your covers would stand out and I can clearly see that it is a hot romance with an HEA and there is a theme connecting the series. Have a great day Carly and I hope the warmer weather and a little more sunshine is helping you feel better.

    • I totally agree with you. I also use the covers and find covers that do not match the story annoy me.

  8. Let’s face it, a more colorful cover catches the eye. Sometimes I pick up a book for that reason alone, then go on to read what it’s about. If the cover is rather bland I tend to pass it over unless specifically recommended by someone. The coloring on your covers definitely got my attention but I also like the way your name stands out in sharp contrast to the pictures. Gets a thumb’ s up from me.

  9. I love the covers for this series. I feel like the poses match the overall feel of the books (which is hotter than some of your older novels – I have read and own all of your books!) Also – I love that your name is a direct contrast to the color filter used on the picture and therefor stands out. I wouldn’t change a thing about these covers!

  10. I love the cover but if you want something different choose something with bright colors. Personally I would follow you no matter but remember to attract new readers you need to stand out from the crowd. :flagwave:

  11. :hot: Good morning Carly,
    I love the covers and wouldn’t change anything.Great choice!

  12. I love these covers. Very soft and sexy. Your name is bold and bright. Personally I’m not a fan of the florescent colors, but they do the trick of catching your eye.

  13. I love the covers. I love your books. When walking down a book isle in a store they catch your attention and somehow they will miraculously end up in your shopping cart.

  14. OMG I really like all the animation’s. Really have to send a few more. :bwhip: :leaves: :woot: sorry, :moon:

  15. I like your name at the bottom and I like how each title has a swirly letter but the pink cover doesn’t do it for me. Maybe all the covers could be the same color?

  16. I prefer to see real people on covers, rather than inanimate objects or silhouettes, so I like the covers. They also match the heat level of the books. I would have preferred different color filters/washes, than orange or pink, but it did not impact my decision to buy both books.

  17. Your covers for this series are nice. They match each other by having the same elements and style, while remaining different. It is obvious that they are part of a series, which is the goal. You want to tie them together, not separate them. The couple on the front enhances the typography of the rest of your cover. The authors name being larger than the title is okay because it’s different. Normally you see the title being larger than the authors name. But having it flipped seems to work for this series. The warm tones of the covers brings a feeling of romance and love. Overall, I would buy this book based on the cover alone, regardless if I know who you are or have ever read your books. The designer for these covers did an amazing job…

  18. I love the covers. They tell me a love story is within & that I might really enjoy it!!! Don’t change for change. These have been your style for a while & we know it’s you & it’s going to be good!!!

  19. So I know I’ll be in the minority here, but the only thing I really like about these covers is the authors name and the fact that by the color one can tell (maybe) that they’re in the same series. I look for my favorite authors first and you are a major player. When I see Carly Phillips I automatically pick it up to see if I’ve already read it or if it’s new. Seeing that name alone would have me picking up the book. To me the covers look dated but feel free to ignore me since I have a Kindle loaded with almost every Carly book available and everything else is pre-ordered! I love you and your writing Carly. As long as your name is on the front of that book I know it will be a winner and I let everyone know that you are one of the best :groan:

  20. I like the current colors & the lettering/fonts/typography is both eyecatching and easy to recognize CARLY PHILLIPS jumps right out.

    I like the style of the monotint figures behind the text – if the style remains consistent throughout the series, with each book having its own distinctive color, readers’ eyes will pick up on books in sales displays even before the titles register with their brains.

  21. I love the covers but if I were being honest, I’d say that at a quick glance, they are easily confused. I LOVE that your name is prominent — makes my life easier to find a book AND know that you wrote it — but it may be just my eyes in that i easily confuse the covers. S’okay, just makes me look longer to differentiate the two! I do love ’em but that’s just an honest opinion.

  22. I love the covers they’re a good fit for the series and they stand out. P.S I’m thrilled that you started your own blog. 🙂 🙂

  23. I’ve spent the last year wandering around books and author postings. I read many books by many different authors. I have reached a point where I don’t investigate books with shirtless men and couples intertwined as much. Covers do influence whether I stop and check them out. I read your books because I know you are a good author. Your covers do not attract me. Yes, they do compliment each other. I read fast and
    am always looking for new books and authors. I have found book covers tend to attract my attention but they are all starting to look alike. I’ve read all the comments and know only a few agree with me. I also realize covers are needed to attract a younger audience. It would be interesting to put a book in two different covers and see what happens. Keep them both attractive but aimed at two different audiences. I hope you don’t mind what I’ve said. I also want to compliment you on having this blog. People are so busy there isn’t’the
    interactions between them and these areas give people a chance to talk and think. I hope you are happy, bottom line. We
    Writting books seems to be more a business and less fun for many authors. But an advantage is authors get to interact with readers more. Salutations, Melody

  24. The covers are bright and colorful. I like the prominence of your name on the cover and the similar styles for books in the same series. Thanks again for the blog. I read it everyday, but don’t always leave a reply. (Some days I just like to lurk.) :yourock:

  25. I did want you to know I really appreciate all the fine men shown on different days on Facebook and private blogs. I feel if people don’t like certain things then remove it. Authors have given me more than I have given them. Love, humor, history, knowl

  26. I like the bold colors of your name and the font style for the titles, but the titles really don’t stand out to me.

  27. I love the prominent name because like someone else said, I pick up your books the minute I see them (or ebooks, now) to see if I’ve read them yet. So I go by name (yours) first. I like they aren’t the norm in the sense of body parts and nude bodies covered by letters or hands. Stay unique because these are sexy and hot without following what everyone else is doing. You’ve always been unique! And yes the colors differentiate just fine! You wanna talk dated? Let’s look at my paperback copy of Secret Fantasy or Erotic Invitation!!!

  28. I like that you changed your original covers to these as they just scream “Carly’s book” to me. I like that your name is so bold. It makes it easier for me to make sure I see and buy it. My eyes aren’t as good with fine print as I age. LOL :reading:

  29. hoping to win, but if I don’t it won’t matter, just have to buy it. I would like to win it in Kindle version.

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