
There’s a very big difference between being a writer (one form of creativity) and having the ability to do graphics, visualize things, understand colors, layouts, etc. It’s been frustrating to me that I don’t have the ability to create graphics when I need for book promotion. Basic ones, easy and spur of the moment. And …

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Totebag & Goodie Winner

The winner of my Tote bag and Goodies is: Entry #9428Mary E. CONGRATULATIONS MARY! Mary has been notified via email. Thanks to everyone who entered! Happy Sunday! :snoopydance:

Reading Recommendations!

I’d love to know what you’re reading these days! In addition … I’m going to tease you very badly … CLICK TO ENLARGE & READ! Preorder Kindle – – everywhere else available 7/15 – iBooks preorder coming soon! Happy Saturday! :snoopydance:

Friday Giveaway!

Today I’m offering up a Carly Phillips Tote and other assorted goodies! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Keeping Track

How do you keep track of your life? For years, I used a big 8×10 calendar that had enough room for the kids’ activities and appointments as well as my own.  Then, I downgraded to a small pocket calendar in my bag so I could make appointments on the run and while I was out …

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Happy Birthday Buddy – You are missed

If you were around during the early plotmonkey days, you remember I had a dog named BUDDY.  Buddy was the best dog.  Oh, he had his bad habits, pooping in certain rooms, occasionally in his crate … he had fur that wasn’t the easiest to keep groomed … but he was the light of my …

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