Bailey Snitches on Carly

IMG_0630Last week, she called me neurotic.  I take issue with that.  So what if I pace and pant and panic if you accidentally leave me wandering the house when you go out? I like my crate and my closed spaces.  You like being home and not out in big crowds or with lots of people, so I don’t see the problem.  We’re alike.  Isn’t that why you love me so much? Because you’re as neurotic and crazy as I am?

Did you know that Carly likes routine?  Yep.  She really doesn’t like to vary.  Her perfect day? Wake up, check email, relax a little in bed, never mind that I’m waiting for her in my crate.  Yes, I love to sleep in my crate.  I get nervous if you mess with MY routine.  I like to see Brady across from me but if the little pain annoys me I just turn myself ass first and don’t look at him.  Carly finds this highly amusing.  Don’t ask me why.  Anyway, she likes to be showered and in her recliner working by 9 AM.  And where am I while she works? Well I already told you I like tight spaces.  I feel safe.  Her chair is catty-cornered in her office, so I just go behind it in the corner, curl up and go to sleep.  Brady, the suck up, hops up on the chair and lays next to her while she works.  He’s smaller so he can do that.  But he’s also a fat boy.  Yeah I find that funny.  Buddy, who I loved, used to just sleep in the middle of the office and let me have the back corner.  Sometimes fat boy tries to come back and play with me but it’s my space and eventually he leaves me alone.  If Carly doesn’t have plans for the day, she’ll break for lunch – every day peanut butter on weight watchers bread – and then come back to work till about one.  Then DAYS OF OUR LIVES comes on.  If she’s really worked and hasn’t played on social media all morning, she’ll move to the bedroom to watch it and then GENERAL HOSPITAL, and I can lay on the bed beside her.

Can’t tell you her afternoons.  There are more blogs to write after all.  Oh and did you know I don’t really call her Carly? She’s my mom and I’m her Baby Girl.

16 thoughts on “Bailey Snitches on Carly”

  1. Thanks for sharing. It was nice hearing about your routine from Bailey’s point of view. It’s good you are a creature of habit, otherwise you might not be disciplined enough to write these great books. Have a Great Day!

  2. I enjoyed Bailey’s point of view as we have a dog in this house who is actually more neurotic than Bailey! I made my #2 grandson a fleece blanket a few years ago and now that dog has claimed it as his own. He drags it up and down the stairs and works until he is completely wrapped in it to go to sleep. The blanket is only about 4x bigger than he is so it is funny to watch him. I love dachshunds.

  3. my female dog also known as our “dogter” rules our house too! If she wants to go to bed,she will nag until I go to bed. Punky rules!

  4. We are blessed with 5 rescued children that are the love of our lives. We live in the country and are retired so we are able to give them a good life.
    It is so great to read about you and your babies. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
    You have such a tender, talented soul that is full of love. I just wish you the best…..

  5. Love those pets. Have four cats, each with their own distinct personality. We have our routines too. For Pookie, it’s me fixing a couple of smoked sausages in the morning so she can share a bite. At bedtime, I go into the bathroom. Baby follows where she gets a drink out of the faucet before bed. No water bowl for her. Then she jumps up in the linen closet where she sleeps behind the towels. It’s her own little sanctuary. Samantha, the youngest, is a daddy’s girl. She is always on his lap. I get the leftovers. If he gets up then she comes to me. Last but not least is Bobo, my miracle kitty. Ha was diagnosed with lymphoma and given three months to live. Vet gave him steroid injections and told me he’d never seen a cat go longer than the three months. Nine if we were lucky. After praying over Bobo he is still alive and well. That was 3 1/2 years ago. Vet said he’d never seen anything like it.

  6. Carly, Bailey is a kindred soul.
    How I miss my Bridgette. It will be 4 months since she passed away.(Pssst getting two new puppies the end of March, litter mates)
    I like my routine and get out of sorts when I have to change it up a bit too. As far as going to stores and crowds that is why I grocery shop in the morning and on line 99% of the time.

  7. My routine is always subject to change. I rarely am able to read in my favorite chair without one or two dogs in the chair with me. They say they are keeping me warm.

  8. Cute and entertaining….Mmmmm maybe a new series told from the eyes of their pets? The things they probably see! 😉

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