Back to the Future




Kara email me at: (no spaces) – carly phillips books @ gmail . com and confirm your email and how you read eBooks, what app. I’ll send you a copy of THE BACHELOR and Audrey’s book 1 Calendar Girl January!


Giveaway at the end!

As I watched the TODAY SHOW this morning, waiting for the segment on Audrey Carlan, of Calendar Girl fame, to come on, I had a flashback. And I was startled to realize 18 years had passed since THE BACHELOR was chosen by Kelly Ripa as the first Romance on a Nationally Televised Bookclub. Different era. Different time. But I do remember waiting and thinking … despite what I’ve been told, she’s going to pull the cover off that book on the pedestal, surrounded by smoke, and it’s going to be someone else’s novel. That’s how surreal the moment was. And then I had to do a LIVE TV show months later. And I know from talking to her, that Audrey is experience that same surrealness now.  HOW IS THIS HAPPENING? And is it really happening to ME?

First, Audrey was composed and beautiful this morning, the segment tasteful and did Romance proud. So GO AUDREY!

Second, I’d like to wish Audrey a few things:

  1. I wish Audrey the kind of friends that I have, the understanding, noncompetitive, not jealous, supportive, loving group of women who are still by my side today. If you stay the lovely down to earth person you seem to be, this seems like a no-brainer.
  2. I wish Audrey the wisdom to enjoy this moment and understand it can’t be repeated – unless you follow the path of E.L. James (and I hope you do) and it goes on and on and on … know that life is full of ups and downs, especially the writing life. And it’s no reflection on you if and when that downward turn comes. Especially since life is cyclical and there will be ups again. They just may not be as high.
  3. I wish for Audrey to learn this lesson early on – do not spend the rest of your writing career spinning on a hamster wheel trying to recreate the success. It’s lightning in a bottle. If it continues, brilliant. If it doesn’t, keep writing, keep believing, and all will be well. 

I know you can’t imagine why I’m saying these things. Three years down the road, you will understand. And be grateful for the time, the moment, and the people who stuck by you through it.

Want to win KINDLE eBook copy of CALENDAR GIRL and THE BACHELOR? Comment below. Did you see the TODAY SHOW with Audrey? Do you remember seeing me on LIVE? Tell me all about it!



44 thoughts on “Back to the Future”

  1. I happened to be in the room when she was on the tv. I’m so happy for her! And her husband seems to be supportive. I left her a message on Facebook trying to show some support and my enthusiasm for her. I unfortunately missed yours. I usually don’t even look at the tv…ever.

  2. 18 years??? OMG! That must be surreal to you, today. Wow. I will admit that I did not see the actual show but I DO remember cheering (in my house) for you when I read about your book being featured. And no, I haven’t seen the show today. I would have DVR’d it if I had known…ah well. I have your recap and that’s a good thing! Congrats to you BOTH and I’m going to go soak my head because it has been 18 years… 😀

  3. I remember when that happened… shush, we were just 10! This is great advice, for anyone in any profession. Keep writing, I’ll keep reading your fabulous books!

  4. I did see the Today show this morning!! She looked great and it was a fantastic segment!! I did not see you on Live but really wish I had. Would love both of these books!!!

  5. I didn’t get to see either of them, but I do remember when you were on because one of my daughters, who is also a big Carly Phillip’s fan, made a point of calling to remind me to watch it.
    Oh well, I’ve always been better at reading. :reading:

  6. Just just and pasted this from my Facebook comment.: I was *just* talking about this yesterday! I was telling my cousin about you and Erika, and how I was so excited that you two collaborated on the Dirty, Sexy series. She doesn’t read romance, but I told her how I knew Erika, but she remembered that episode of Live! And how excited I was that romance books were actually going to be featured on national television. I told her, “same Carly Phillips.” How strange that you bring it up today?! And darn it, I knew nothing about this morning’s segment on the today show! I missed it. I hope we get the opportunity to watch it somewhere.

  7. I wish I had seen both episodes but my world consists of cartoons. I really don’t know what is happening in the real world ?

  8. I did not see today’s segment, but I do remember Kelly’s book club because I was reading The Bachelor at the time.

  9. I didn’t realize it was on but since I was at work, I couldn’t watch it anyway. Wish I could have though.

  10. I didn’t realize that The Bachelor came out that many years ago! I’ve been a big fan of yours for that many years! Wow! I missed the show this morning, I’m at the hospital with my daughter, awaiting the arrival of my granddaughter Adriana.

  11. I didn’t see today. I seen you on live. Loved it. My first book by you and NEVER stopped reading you.

  12. didn’t see it today. I actually found you (and the Plotmonkeys) after Reading With Ripa. I only found Reading with Ripa after my aunt made a joke about it (and she told me go to page so and so!!). Well, the rest is history.

  13. I can’t believe it’s been that long. I loved that series. I’m glad you are still writing wonderful books.

  14. Yes I did see Audrey on Today Show! I’m a big fan of her not only as a writer but as a person that I just got to talk to because of her Calendar Girl series!! It’s awesome! I’m sorry I did not see you on Live ;(
    Would love those books so I can cherish for life and to remember this moment years late!! Love your books Carly!!

  15. How very cool is it to see one of my most fave authors talking about not only another fave author of mine but also a great friend! Carly I one of those in the “group of women” for AC that you are talking about and she really is as down-to-earth and special as she seems!! She is also too hard on herself sometimes and I will save this post and remind her over and over again to enjoy the ride – the ups and downs!!

  16. I didn’t see either the Today show or your debut, but your words of wisdom are definitely from the heart and awesome! Loved your books before and makes me happy to know the great person you are. May have to check Audrey’s books out now — but first I need to finish the Dare books 🙂

    • THE WINNER IS #28 – KARA!
      Kara email me at: (no spaces) – carly phillips books @ gmail . com and confirm your email and how you read eBooks, what app. I’ll send you a copy of THE BACHELOR and Audrey’s book 1 Calendar Girl January!

  17. I missed Audrey on The Today Show. But I did catch you on LOVE. The Bachelor was the book that introduced me to you and I’ve read every single one of your books since!

  18. Unfortunately, I did not see the Today Show or when you were on Live With Kelly Ripa. I do like your books though! Thanks for the chance to win.

  19. I didn’t get to see either shows as I live in Australia but I would love a chance to win these books and the very best of luck to you both in the future 🙂

  20. Sadly I didn’t see either Audrey or your appearance on TV. I can’t even begin to imagine how that moment would feel to see all your hard work unveiled on live TV. How exciting and scary that must be. Congrats to Audrey and I’m glad so many got to know your books Carly! :yourock:

  21. It’s awesome that you posted this!!!! As a supporter from day 1 for Audrey, I can tell you, she has #1…so much of #1!!! I love your advice!!!! Happy Friday to you, Carly!! 🙂

  22. I didn’t see either, but I remember when Kelly chose “The Bachelor” and remember thinking how cool that I read your books.

  23. I didn’t see either episode, but I always love when I come across one of your books. I found and subscribe to your mailing list so I won’t be left in the dark again!

  24. THE WINNER IS #28 – KARA!
    Kara email me at: (no spaces) – carly phillips books @ gmail . com and confirm your email and how you read eBooks, what app. I’ll send you a copy of THE BACHELOR and Audrey’s book 1 Calendar Girl January!

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