Audio Listener Giveaway

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AUDIO LISTENERS! Get ready for DARE TO ROCK coming this month in Audio! Enter to win a FREE Audio Code for the DARE TO LOVE Series book of your choice! 25 Winners! If you’ve never listened to Audio this is your chance to try! CLICK HERE TO ENTER!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Dare to Love
Dare to Desire
Dare to Surrender
Dare to Submit
Dare to Touch
Dare to Hold

5 thoughts on “Audio Listener Giveaway”

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  2. Dear Lizzy, I found your Rhyn book, Katies Hellion last year by accident and was hooekd. I loved them. could you please send me Rhyn’s Redemption. I can’t find it for free like the others. I’m getting ready to read Demon’s Desire next. thank-you Kay

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