Are You Like Me?

I was the kind of kid who made scrapbooks of hot guys. I had a dresser next to my bed and I kept my favorite photos there so I could look at them and yeah, I guess fantasize (i.e. write books in my head – who knew?). So when I saw THIS, all I could think of was, I wish I wasn’t almost 50 years old and married b/c I’d love to hang this up over my bed LOLOL. That said, even though I have a signed copy of the original book by EL James, I just may have to own this version. Just. Because.
Are you like me?

13 thoughts on “Are You Like Me?”

  1. lol, I too had pictures plastered all over my room.My favorite crushfor the day is who made it to the end table next to my bed. 🙂 Picture is great but they look so very young in relation to the books. Just me.
    Carol L

  2. oh I love the cover…why does everyone talk about how young they look. She is 21 and he is 27..that is young…I am excited to see the movie. May not have been my choice for thee characters..but I’m gonna give them a chance to prove me wrong.

  3. I was just like you with the picture of hot guys. To be honest, I’m still that way, but know I call it my inspiration for my hero’s and I think there’s nothing wrong with that. Have to say I like the new cover of Fifty Shades of Grey :hot: :hot: :hot:

  4. I had posters all over my room of my favorite singers and movie stars. I recently saw Hugh Jackman on Broadway and there is a picture of him in one of the reviews where he is sitting on the floor holding a glass of wine. I thought about printing the picture and framing it but I think my husband would object.

  5. Didn’t have a scrapbook of hotties but did collect the teen magazines with all the hot guys in them :turkey:

    May have to actually by 50 instead of borrowing after I saw this cover 😀

  6. I’m not into the FSoG hoopla but I always say, to each his own. Having said that, I’ve seen the actors and I just can’t get that they are portraying “hotness”, if that makes any sense. But that’s just my opinion and other folks seem to really love the promos. I say, Enjoy!!

  7. I had the posters all around my side of the bedroom of cute guys. I even have kept some magazines with cute guys in them as an adult. 😉

  8. That picture or Fifty Shades of Gray does nothing for me. No spark or interest…

    BUT, as a teenager, I use to plaster my walls (and ceiling) with hairbands posters. And when I say plaster, no slither of my walls showed. I love staring at them at my leisure or rocking out.

    On my ceiling was my celebrity crush – who was Skid Row’s front man Sebastian Back. I loved his look. My friend loved spending the night because the first thing she saw was Sebastian staring down in his leather clad perfection. Hehe.

  9. :happythanksgiving: I am the oddball here. I didn’t do posters or pictures of hotties. I just never wanted any. But I did make up adventures in my head. There was a hottie occasionally.

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