April Reads

A change of pace on the Saturday reads! I’m sharing a list of monthly releases. Welcome to April’s reading! The list includes books by writers I love and some I haven’t sampled yet.  WHAT ARE YOU READING?

April releases

April FB Cover

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33 thoughts on “April Reads”

  1. I just finished Crashed by K. Bromberg. I highly recommend this trilogy. I also just read an ARC of Up By Five by Erin Nicholas. Great read. This is well worth reading too. I am
    Patiently waiting for Dare to Desire. That is next on my list.

  2. Am reading an older book – The Rancher and the Runaway Bride by Susan Mallery – not sure how I missed it the first time around!

  3. Yay!! I love this idea. I’ve discovered several new authors from your recommendations in the past. 🙂

  4. I’m reading Spellbound by Nora Roberts. Awesome trilogy. I need to become a professional reader instead of having an actual job in order to get through my TBR pile. I’m anxiously awaiting Dare to Desire. Great idea for the blog. I already knew of a few releases and found more to look into. Thanks

  5. Already read and reviewed Up By Five by Erin Nicholas.
    just finished All You Need is Love (Green Mountain #1) by Marie Force

  6. This is an awesome idea!! I have gotten so many new authors and posts from you! Now my TBR pile grows and grows, with no end in sight. Between your saturday what are you reading posts and all tje book blogs with their freebie posts and author take overs I now have a never ending supply of books…I haven’t even used the library in months!!

  7. Looks like a great bunch of books. Of course one of those books is already on per-order.
    I am currently reading Waiting for you by zKristan Higgins.

  8. Just finished A Dark Mind by T. R. Ragan. Great thriller. Looking forward to your book as well as Laura Griffen’ s New one Far Gone.

  9. I just finished the Beautiful Series by Christina Lauren. Great series. Funny and sexy at the same time.

    I have an arc of Love, Lex I need to finish by Tuesday and then it’s on to Dare to Desire!

  10. Just finished “River’s Bend” by JoAnn Ross. Before that I read “Dash of Peril” by Lori Foster. Both very good books that I would recommend highly. Next will be yours, already have it on pre-order. :clap:

  11. into book two of AL series by Nicole Edwards and looking forward to Shayla & Lexi’s virgin 6 book and of course Desire :bwhip:

  12. Hey, who’s that Carly Phillips author??? [Just kidding!] I’m reading Kiss the Bride by Lucy Kevin — it was next to my hand when I went looking thru my TBR pile. It’s the second one of this storyline that I’ve read and although I enjoyed the first one more, this is pretty cool. They are fast, easy reads (three stories to a book) so it fit the bill last night. I have some of your list on my To Buy list and in my TBR pile but love it when you list books I hadn’t heard of. Have a great weekend!

  13. I just finished Four Friends by Robyn Carr, great book and one that I think is a must read, next on my list is Dash of Peril by Lori Foster, then will be Dare to Desire, can’t wait for that. My husband says my book stack never goes down and my iPad never cools off, yet every weekend we make a trip to the book store, he keeps feeding the addiction 🙂

  14. Just finished Sweet Revenge by Rebecca Zanetti, now am reading Letting Go by Maya Banks, then onto One Good Cowboy by Catherine Mann 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  15. I’m reading We Were There by Allen Child’s MD about the Dr ‘s who treated JFK IN Dallas

  16. Carly I love this idea. Though I’m not sure I need more books to read. 😉
    :reading: I’m reading Teach me a Lesson by Jasmine Haynes.

  17. I like this idea to see what’s out there. I’m reading Make You Blush by Macy Beckett. It is the beginning of her new series. :alien:

  18. :flagwave: Re-reading Transcendence, then will start Surviving Raine both by Shay SAVAGE.
    Kill Shot and Sizzle by Lillana HART will be next.
    Then I will read Primrose by Deborah CAMP and
    Lost In You by Heidi McLAUGHLIN will start ending my week.

    I might need to read a motorcycle club book in between one of these books. It just depends on my mood.
    As I read all the time, I might need to read one of my favorites too.

  19. Hi Carly. I always love to see what author’s are reading.

    I’m reading Wrong Bed, Right Guy by Katee Robert. It’s the first in her “Come Undone” series and I’ve got 4 in this series to read. :reading:

  20. Man you went everywhere with this. There are a few I can’t wait to read, yours being one of them

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