When I started self-publishing in 2013, I fully admit I modeled the big family after Bella Andre’s successful Sullivan’s (only in that I created a family with the ability to keep expanding, keep writing). Fast forward three years and here I am with 9 books. I broke them up into two individual series because the NY Dares didn’t truly cross over into the Dare to Love characters except that they’re cousins. Finally I reached the point where I was writing the last legitimate sibling, Tyler. (Interestingly b/c this part wasn’t planned, Alex, an illegitimate sibling is book # 2 in Dare to Love (legitimate sibling) series, but I digress). Although I realize there are siblings left in the illegitimate branch of the Dare family tree, I’m truly burnt out and I don’t feel I could give them the individuality they need at this time. That’s not to say I won’t return in the future. Just that for now, I need something fresh, exciting and new. I hope you’ll follow me in my new journey and encourage your reader friends to do the same, and to keep up with the Dares if you/they haven’t already! xo


He had to remind himself many times over the course of the night– she was OFF LIMITS. But he’d known damn well what he was doing…

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He had to remind himself many times over the course of the night– she was OFF LIMITS. But he’d known damn well what he was doing…

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  1. I’m glad you are honest enough to admit to being burned out with this series/family, even though they are all wonderful. I’ve wished that other authors would be as brave, but instead, I have stopped reading series that have gone on past their expiration date in regards to interest, writing and connectivity.

  2. While I will miss reading about the Dares, it makes sense that after 9 books, you could get burned out. Since I love all your books, I eagerly await whatever you have in store in the future. Keep up the great work!

  3. I agree with Diane and Cheryl, it’s better to take a break now.
    I’ve sometimes wondered about authors coming back to series later and picking up with the kids. Is that something that ever piqued your interest? I don’t know how that works with the rights either.
    Thanks for keeping us informed.

  4. You know yourself best. If you feel you can’t do justice to the Dare family then we probably wouldn’t enjoy the books. I’ve had authors go back to series years later and pick up where they left off.
    Do what’s best for you. Your fans should follow. I know I will!

  5. Thank you for your honesty. Burn out happens to all of us, so take the break and change directions. I’m sure you will find a muse to get you back on track and new books for us to read. I love your books!! All 50+ that you’ve written.

  6. Carly, this is YOUR world and when you have told all the stories you can — for now! — we will be with you on any journey you take. The series is great, and I love it, but if they have to go “live their lives” now, that works. I’m SO sure there will be more great books from you so I’m not worries. :yourock:

  7. Thank you for your honesty, that means a lot to all of your fans. I, like all of the others, will await whatever you have in store for us next because, we all know it will be amazing. <3

    • Sorry, that was suppose to be a heart at the end of my comments 😀 but, since I haven’t been to bed yet and am working on being up about 48 hours, here’s the heart from your site :heart2:

  8. I Love that you can follow your instincts. Can’t wait to see what’s next in The Evolution of Carly. It’s sure to be a winner!

  9. FINALLY an author who speaks the truth about being burned out. I salute you and will be there to read whatever follows in your writing life. AS WE ALL KNOW WHATEVER YOU WRITE WILL BE GREAT! I look forward to your next story (stories).

  10. Looking forward to Tyler’s book. Sorry to hear you’re having burnout, but 9 books in a series is a good run. Thanks for giving me many hours of reading enjoyment. :yourock:

  11. While I completely understand being burned out after nine books, I was curious if you have ever considered writing a prequel that focuses on Robert Dare and his affair. After reading the bits and pieces that are shared throughout the books I am left with so many questions! I’m always curious how Savannah felt about him continuing to have children with Emma, and how he felt when he visited his legitimate kids. Did he actually love them? Did he ever miss them while he was gone? Did he ever feel guilty? When his”other” kids experience milestones that he missed with his legitimate kids, did he think of them? Now that he has been confronted a few times, does he finally begin to understand and ever begin to treat them better?

    I know you are taking a break from them for now, but I hope your inspiration will return so we can get to know the other kids as well. 🙂 However, I’m glad you won’t force a story you aren’t feeling.

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